Memory Takers

Chapter Six

It was getting light over the sky, the sight was beautiful.

Neither Skylynn, nor Noah could sleep that night so they stayed up, regarding each other in passive interest; yet both guarded. She didn’t know him from Adam and he most certainly didn’t know her from Eve…yet there they were. Two strangers, now on the same journey.

She smiled awkwardly, turning from Noah to the horizon; watching the sun rise up from over a hillside.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it? It means there’s still life…that we’re alive.”

Noah regarded her, letting his eyes loom over her body. His mind, along with his attention wasn’t set on the sun, but rather on Skylynn.

She didn’t look like an alien, everything on her was normal…her skin, her eyes…with the exception of the odd color when they glowed…he found them beautiful. Her smile was unique all on it’s own.

“We won’t be if Emo boy catches us.” Noah sighed before looking at his watch.

Skylynn slowly turned back to meet Noah’s gaze, a smile no longer on her face.

“I know, but he’s a good hunter; so was his parents. I don’t know where to go or what to do…my parents never instilled that information into me…all they thought about was running, that’s all I know how to do. Then you came along and now…” She trailed off, not exactly sure what to say.

“We have to get far away from here if we want to survive another day. If you’ve only been a few places, he’s going to know those places like the back of his hand…we need to throw him off track.” Noah said, thinking.

Skylynn watched his eyes as they contracted thoughtfully, he was helping a complete stranger who he didn’t even know.

“Why are you helping me? I didn’t think humans were this thoughtful.”

This caused Noah to smile.

“Maybe because in some strange…out of this world kinda way; I believe you. As for thoughtful humans, believe me beautiful, there aren’t many. It takes specific humans…as you say, to go that extra distance.”

Skylynn raised her eyebrow “Like you?”

Noah Shrugged. “Call me an adventurer. I never stay in one place too long. I will help you get where you need to go.”

“Then what?” Skylynn asked, her eyes meeting his.

This caught Noah off guard.

“I…I don’t know. I guess we’ll just cross that path when we come to it.” He replied, frowning. No one had ever really asked him that before.

Skylynn nodded, accepting the answer. As guarded as they both were, around each other there was a certain calmness that seemed to attract the other without even trying.

Noah looked up at a plane that was flying over the sky, an idea coming to him.

“Have you ever flown before?” He asked, getting an idea.

“Flown? No, I usually walk…or run, take your pick.”

Noah shook his head before grabbing her hand and began to walk to the airport. “Well, think of it as a new experience.”

Skylynn followed him trustingly as they trekked to the airport. It was a hidden fact that Skylynn hated heights, having almost fell off the mountain when she was escaping Codaeus.

Her history with him seemed longer than it was; he was always around lurking and trying to capture her…the hunt, once thrilling was nothing more than a time game now. Codaeus had to get her back to Reversa within the end of the year…and she had to become pregnant within a few months in order to meet the deadline of a birth…and her death. She knew only the blood extract from her body at the last second would save her another year…and if she so choose, longer. It was all so much to handle, but yet she did it without complaint.

“Where are we headed?” She asked Noah meekly as they saw the airport from the distance.

Noah shrugged in response, still keeping a gentle grip on her hand as he continued to lead her. “As far away from here as possible.”

“What about your roommate?” Skylynn pressed as Noah let himself smile.

“He’ll just pawn off all my stuff and get a new roommate…if I disappeared he knew I was gone and to do whatever he wanted with what I left behind…which wasn’t much, believe me.” Noah reassured as his eyes glanced to his new counterpart.

Skylynn still felt guilty having got him involved and the fact that even after all that’s happened, he was still willing to help her. To her she could come to consider him a companion…even a friend. No human…no person, had given her a second thought and now that Noah entered her life, it was different.

She still didn’t know what flying involved, so she was eager to learn…what they didn’t know was that Codaeus wasn’t far behind. He stalked them quietly from a distance, waiting for his time to strike.
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I screwed up on something before posting, sorry! I fixed the mistake so it should be alright now, that and my computer wouldn't let me edit. Hopefully this fixes everything.