Memory Takers

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7

Codaeus stalked behind quietly-wondering what the foolish woman was about to do. He envied her with as much passion as he did the human that stood in his way. Nonetheless he remained patient-knowing his government would take great measures in assuring the capture of his nemeses; and the boy who so choose to interfere.

“You can’t escape your fate, Skylynn.”

His words seemed to whisper through the wind-making Skylynn stop suddenly, panic on her face.

“We need to go Noah-he’s around, I can sense him.”

Her voice was quiet but urgent-making Noah quicken his pace.

“Once we get inside the airport he won’t be able to touch us-they have a thing about people and weapons past a certain point.”

With that they ran-and didn’t stop until reaching the ticket counter…which presented a problem. Skylynn didn’t have ID on her, and that meant they couldn’t fly.

Noah tried to remain calm-but it didn’t help; considering the knife wielding emo was going to be approaching the airport at any time.

So he took Skylynn and went out where the taxis were waiting, climbing into one and all but demanding the cabbie to drive.

It wasn’t until they reached another part of town-one that had a car rental place did they get off.

Noah instructed Skylynn to stay put while he went into the rental place.

She did as he told her and waited patiently for him to return. When he did, she saw a key in his hand.

“Let’s go-what I did wasn’t exactly in the legal books but you have to be 25 to rent from this place and that jackoff was giving me problems.”

Skylynn glanced at Noah but that’s about all she could do. Whatever he did, she wasn’t about to ask.

Noah guided her over to the car that would take them far away from this town-leaving the memories behind. But for Skylynn, it was harder to do then most; for her thoughts stemmed far beyond. She felt as if she were moving, losing her home that she had grown accustomed to for so long.

As Noah drove away from the town, Skylynn felt the fear gradually start to leave with it. That meant Codaeus was losing the psychic link and that soon it would disappear entirely…at least that’s what she was hoping.

“Thank you, Noah…for everything.”

Noah nodded.

“No problem, we’ll get you someplace safe. I don’t know where we’re going-but I promise it will be far away from him as possible.”

Skylynn looked out the window as the scenery whizzed passed. Her thoughts troubled.

“Codaeus will never stop searching-not until we get back to Reversa. But he is a fool to think that our government will not bring down punishment upon him as the same they will me. Not with what I’m about to do.”

Noah glanced at her, wondering if she had lost her mind completely…then again he wondered if it was him who was going insane.

“What are you getting at Skylynn?”

She shrugged passively.

“De-aging, I was given four years. Should I dissect my blood from this last time and reinjection it at the last moments of my life, it will cause the dying blood to rejuvenate itself. From there the process is stalled for another 365 days.”

She paused, breathing slowly.

“Just focus on life-though right now it may suck-“ Skylynn cut Noah off.

“Life is what we make-mine is limited. Be glad you’re human Noah…be glad you have all the joys of growing up; I never did. The only thing I have are the memories-the knowledge. I would trade all of it just to have had the chance at normalcy, but for Reverables-it has nor will never happen.”

Noah went quiet after that.

Truth was, he never had the joys of a happy family, or good childhood; but he was a content person-one that was still trying to find himself.

“Then I suppose you still have a lot to learn Skylynn.”

She didn’t answer; instead she focused her attention at the road ahead-yearning to know where it lead.
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wow, long time or what? Serene's been really busy so I'm taking over the updates until she can start again. The next chapter will be a lot longer, and will get a whole lot more interesting. Those of you who subscribed, thanks! And again, sorry for the delay. I just didn't want to update without the OK from Serene. So I hope you enjoy this chapter, and the next one will be a lot longer.