The Temptation of Neville Longbottom


Luna Lovegood skipped down the empty Hogwarts corrider. She was in her usual wistful mood. Bouncing on the souls of her feet, she decided to go outside. It was a bright beatific day and Luna smiled at the beauty and simplicity of it all. Making a grandoise twirl on the bright green grass, she found a desolate bench. Luna quitely made her way to the metal bench and sat down. Pulling out the latest edition of the 'Qubbler', Luna folded her thin pale legs underneath her and began reading.

"Hi," came an amiable voice. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Peeling her bright blue eyes away from an article on pygmy puffs, she looked up at the person standing in front of her. A winsome smile swept across her face and her cerulean eyes lighted up. "Of course," she said while scooting over to make extra room.

Nevile Longbottom let out a sigh of relief and graciously sat next to Luna. "It's quite a fine day today, I would say. Wouldn't you?" He asked.

Luna looked up at the scintillating sky above and nodded. "Father said that the sky would be clear and free from pesky little Wrackspurts for the next couple of days. That's good news for everybody," Luna finished off her statement wearing an affable look her face.

A look of consternation came over Neville's face. Having no idea what Luna was talking about, he let out a nervous laugh and decided to change the subject. "So," he said before clearing out his throat. "Remember all the old DA lessons we use to have last year. Good times, eh?"

"Oh yes," Luna replied cheerfully. "I learned so much from all the DA meetings and lessons.I also met so many nice and cool people there. I loved it. It was the first time I ever really felt excepted by people."

"I know exactly what you mean," Neville mumbled quietly. "Heck, I even still carry around the bewitched Galleon. You never know when there might be a next meeting or get together."

Quickly plundering through her pocket, Luna flashed her gold Galleon. "So do I," she said. "I always keep it with me. It might come in handy when you least expect it to. Like most things in life naturally."

Feeling confident with the way things were currently going and possibly heading, Neville decided to make a terse decision to go ahead with the plans he had originally made. "Hey Luna, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she said while smiling.

Trying to assuage his worries and nerves, Neville kept paraphrasing and switching around the jumble of words that were floating around in every which way in his mind. Not wanting to sound incisive with his words, Neville's mind went blank. Not knowing what to do or say, he akwardly switched his focus on Luna's odd, but quite unique raddish earings.

Noticing the sudden disconsolated mood of Neville, Luna asked him what was bothering him.

Neville nonchalently shrugged his shoulders. Knowing that it was now or never, he made up his mind; he was going to do it. Furiously wiping sweat away from his forehead, his heart franticly pounded away. "Do you want to go out?" He asked bluntly.

Luna looked at him. Her expression was somber. "Is this a joke?" She finally asked.

"Of course not," Neville said with a little bit of hostility in his voice. "I would never do something like that to you or anybody else for that matter."

Lunda looked at him thoughtfully before busting out in a huge grin. "I would love to go out with you, Neville."

Feeling as if he just won everything in the whole wide world, Neville grabbed Luna's hand and held it in own. "I'm so glad. I've liked you for so long. You have no clue," he confessed timidly.

Still smiling, Luna tightened the grip of their hands. "Aww Neville, that's so sweet. I've liked you for quite a while too."

Blushing furiously, Neville's smile grew by the second. Luna was his.
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I am a faithful believer that Luna and Neville should have gotten together.