Upside Down Lives, for Upside Down Worlds?

These Two Hot Idiots Come To Save Us

“Ok. They are officially creeping me out!” I said while staring at the new librarians through the clear, plastic wall. That wall separated us from the other part of the library. It’s the ‘quiet study area’.

The three new librarians stare at us every time we enter the library. Ever since they got here about three months ago. We don’t even know their names or what happened to the other librarians before them. Luckily, they cannot hear us rant about them through this wall.

“That blond guy is staring at us too.” Lisa shrieked. Amy and I had to turn around to see who exactly Lisa was talking about.

“It’s him!” Amy gasped. Oh yeah! Lisa looked at weirdly. “We saw him earlier. He’s quite hot isn’t he?”

“Yeah.” we all agreed. Apart from Chris. He just looked a bit worried.

The guy stared at us back in curiosity, with a small smile on his handsome face. His gaze left us and drifted back to the other hot guy standing next to him. We turned back, slightly giggling to each other. The sun shone brighter through the windows, making squares on the floor of the small room. I think the weather has been reflecting my mood today.

The librarians strangely started to make everyone leave. Except us. The only people left were Amy, Steph, Lisa, Chris and I.

“Why are we left?” Chris asked. We all shrugged.

“Maybe she’ll ask us to leave next?” Steph suggested.

“She kind of doesn’t look too happy.” I noticed. I must sound quite scared.

She calmly walked over to the walls. But, instead of calmly telling us to leave, she slammed her hands on the wall, digging her sharp nails into it. The wall cracked while she pulled against it. It was easily destroyed as the other two joined her. We all scrambled to the back wall, trying to get as far away from them as possible. Their hands turned into flesh slicing claws and bat wings sprouted from their backs. What are they?! They stalked/flew towards us. Our only escape was the windows and they were way too small for some of us to get through. I think only me and Amy would be able to get through.

Fortunately, someone smashed the window. Thank the heavens! He stood in front of us. It was the hot blond guy from before. How did he know we were in here? Why isn’t he scared?!

“What do you want from them?” he demanded.

They hissed but made no move to attack or retreat. “We are commanded to bring them to Hades.”

“Why does he want them?” the guy carried on.

“His child!” they roared/screeched.

One charged forward. Is this guy crazy?! They’ll kill him before he could even try to defend himself. A bow and arrows suddenly appeared in his hands. What . . . My thought were cut short by him launching arrows at them endlessly. But they kept coming for more. I would’ve given up by now or run out of arrows. All three flew at us. He doesn’t stand a chance. He hit one, a black, ghostly skeleton hit another and lightning hit the other. How did they get in? the last was hit by a . . . flying . . . Winged . . . Shoe?

“Hey!” some guy shouted from outside. “Get your little butts out this window!”

We all squeezed as quick as we could out the small window. It seemed to expand to fit us all through. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Soon, we were away from those killer book handlers. What were they? What is it about Hades’ child? Isn’t he like the God of the Underworld? The blond guy easily jumped through the window, making it look like a 2 year old could do it. The other guy was with the blond one earlier. He had black, curly hair and blue eyes. They both looked kind of similar. If you looked really close.

“Dude. Why didn’t you get my shoe?” he asked. I glanced down to find just one shoe and a bare foot.

“Dude. Why didn’t you get here faster?” then they both started arguing. Both starting every remark with the word dude.

We all looked at each other. Did these two really hot idiots just save us from death?

“Hermes! Go and get it yourself if you care about it so much!” the blond guy shouted.

“Fine! Maybe I will!” the guy who I now think is Hermes huffed and climbed back in to retrieve his special shoe.

“Why?” the blond guy whined. “Anyway. I got to explain all this. Those librarians-” he used air quotes around librarians. “-were furies. Minions of Hades. I have been sent by my father, Lord Zeus, to retrieve you”

The other guy hopped out from the broken window. “And I’m . . . Hermes! Apollo’s side-kick!” Amy and I started laughing. “Sense of humour! I like you two! Oh! And Apollo, there’s three more demigods inside this weird barrier that I can’t get past on my own”

“Where?” Apollo asked.

“Over by the front doors of this building. In this patch of grass.” Hermes pointed in the general direction of it.

Amy and I looked at each other and run off. We know exactly where he’s talking about. Once we started to run off, everyone else followed us, with Apollo and Hermes yelling at us to come back.