Upside Down Lives, for Upside Down Worlds?

Hades + Emotion = Creepiness

I groaned as my head began to throb. I raised my hand slowly to where the pain was radiating from, and there it was a large tennis ball sized lump sticking out from the side of my head.

That idiot Apollo, he bloody knocked me out.

I shot up but soon regretted it when my vision blurred and my head began to spin like I was in a washing machine on fast spin. I groaned and felt as though I was about to throw up.

I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder causing me to look at the hand then at the person it belonged too.

Hades sat there next to my bed with worry plastered all over his face which really kinda creeped me out because from what I knew of Greek history this dude was the Lord of the frickin Underworld and whenever he was around me he showed emotion.

"Jess!" I exclaimed "My friends!"

"Sh" Hades soothed as he softly pushed me back down so that I was laying back in the bed "Your friends are fine, young Araceli woke up yesterday, your cousin seemed to forget that he needed to watch his strength"

"And I apologized uncle" Apollo grumbled from theh doorway

I glared daggers at the sun god who flinched away from my gaze "You knocked me out!"

Apollo shrugged nervously then disappeared in a flash of light blinding me for a few seconds, when I got my vision back I heard a high pitched squeal, when I looked up mi friends were in the doorway.

"Amy your awake" Jess squealed

"Finally" Anthony and Lisa added together.

"haha" I sulked "I got knocked out by a big idiot"

"I ran into a big idiot" Jess retorted sitting on a chair next to my bed

Lisa and Anthony laughed then I noticed something which caused some confusion. Chris and Shannon weren't here.

"Your friends were sent home, they are being guarded but they do not wish to have a new life" Hades told me as if reading my thoughts.

"Oh" I whispered, a little upset at my friends leaving.

"If it helps you cheer up, Shannon kcked like three peoples arses before she left" Lisa told me smiling.

I smiled back at her then had a thought "How many have you beaten up so far?"

Lisa gasped dramatically and put an offended look on her face.

"Two" Jess told me grinning

"Jess" Lisa shreiked offended.

Hades rolled his eyes at me and my friends but smiled slightly, then I realised something that I should have wondered since the revelation that he was my father.

"If I'm your daughter then how do I look a lot like my so called 'family'?"

Hades looked slightly shocked at my question but answered anyway " There is this thing called 'the mist' which mythological creatures can control, it makes mortals and even demi-gods see what we want them to see and whoever took you wanted you and the mortal family they put you in to believe that you were one of them by making everyone including yourself see the family resemblence."

"What about me?" Jess asked

"You are the image of your real mother but with just a few changes" Zeus told her appearing beside her.

I scowled at Zeus, as did Jess and our friends. Zeus looked at me and upon seeing me awake he glared daggers at me which I returned, then he turned to my 'father'

"Brother, Persephone has left to be with her mother" he told Hades.

"Persephone" I whispered thoughtfully and remembered the old myths and legends.

Hades sought to make Persephone his own, he abducted her and took her down to the Underworld, during that time the ice age occured and hardly any nature grew upon the earths surface.

Persephone, starving from her prison, ate six pomegranate seeds to feed the hunger.

In the end Hades made a deal with the goddess, she was to spend six months of the year with Hades in the Underworld and then she could return to her mother for the other six months of the year.

It is said that the six months in which Persephone is away from her mother Demeter the goddess of nature Autumn and Winter would take place and the six months that Persephone spends with her mother is when Spring and Summer takes place.

"She is your step-mother" Hades told me

"Araceli, you also have a step mother, Hera" Zeus told Jess

I looked at Jess "Cinderella and Snow White had one thing in common"
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Am I good or am I good
Got the second part of this chapter typed up in no time
Your turn Jezz
Bring on the humor