Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

no one keeps a secret.

Sometimes, Arabella wished that she could hold Amalia. Sometimes, after the monsters searched in vain for humans under their bed, Arabella would sit in the hallway and wish. She would stare at the closed door for hours. But she wouldn’t make a move. She couldn’t make a move. She couldn’t touch that creature or hold her close.Amalia was sin and mustn’t be touched. So she would just sit.

Amalia would always cry. It was heartbreaking, that cry. For hours the small child would wail, and Arabella would listen. Oh how she wished she could do more. More than just stand guard, saving the baby’s innocence for her wedding night or onetruelove. But Amalia was a failure. A weakness. A disgrace. And Arabella couldn’t do jack shit.

Those were the nights that the deaths were hardest. The nights when Arabella felt the most alone. Three people in the whole wide world knew the truth about Amalia. Adelaide had been a part of it. Until the pain was too much. The hiding was too much.The secret was too much. Adelaide had taken the coward’s way out.

And now, Lila and Mitchell were gone. Dead. Overdosed.They were cowards too. But Arabella? She was strong. She was alive.If you could call it living. And the baby crying in the pink room was alive. Very much alive. More than her mother could ever hope to be. No one keeps a secret.

Arabella was the best secret keeper. Two years later and still her truth was hidden from the public.