Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

why when we do our darkest deeds, do we tell?

Arabella had a “new development”. Lila and Mitchell’s death had provided the spark. Now Arabella was suffering from “a second psychotic break”. At least, that was what her shrink would have said when the burns started appearing.If her parents hadn’t cancelled sessions because she started telling. Arabella just said she liked fire.

Fire was such a magical thing. A wonderful thing. A beautiful thing. Arabella couldn’t get enough of it lately. Flames were like ballerinas. Thin wisps of dancers, cleansing whatever they came in contact with. Arabella had never noticed that before. Had never noticed their grace and overpowering ability to sear away what was dirty. That was when the burning started.

It was accidental at first. While lighting a cigarette Arabella held the flame just a little too close and whish! her lank locks were burning. Of course Arabella had stamped out the flame with her fingers automatically.And of course she hadn’t enjoyed the sick smell and sting. Now the urge was uncontrollable. Just a quick flick of fingers and all the sins would burn away.

Had a bad day at school? Hold the lighter under your finger, just a little closer to the source…that’s right there ya go, and anything bad went up in smoke. Girls laughing about Lila in the bathroom? Missing Mitchell’s scent on your skin? Wanting Adelaide to hold you close, two skeletons bonded by blood?Wishing Daddy would just stop taking out his rage on your frail body? A fast snap of a lighter and all the wrong would burn away.

And yet, for all the obvious physical evidence, Arabella wasn’t questioned. Kids at school continued to ignore her. Teachers acted as though they could see straight through her microscopic frame.Even Daddy’s probing fingers skimmed over the scars like they were still unblemished skin. Adelaide noticed on one of her nightly visits. Her faded eyes leaked transparent tears. Arabella laughed, what did you expect?, and Adelaide hadn’t visited since.

Arabella’s was a lonely existence now. No boyfriend with concern coloring his eyes. No sister to run to for protection. No best friend to swear to secrecy.And oh how Arabella wanted to tell. Arabella didn’t have another life to love.Unless you count Amalia. Arabella was alone. Why when we do our darkest deeds, do we tell?

Arabella wasn’t going to tell anyone. She wasn’t ever losing Amalia.