Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

gotta secret, can you keep it?

When Arabella managed to stagger home near dawn Amalia was waiting up. As Arabella silently eased the door open the baby’s cry was everywhere. It was like the house was now a cave. Echoes everywhere. Nothing but crying, crying, crying. Arabella couldn’t handle it.

She stormed upstairs, royally pissed. She never wanted this. She never asked for this. And now she was done. Not caring about the noise, Arabella ripped open the white door.

Amalia was not alone. In the light pink room with the glow-in-the-dark stars Arabella stood. Her anger was gone. Stripped away like her innocence. Amalia’s cries had not disappeared. And now Arabella knew the real reason why.

There he stood. And he was holding her daughter in his dirty hands. Amalia’s face was too red. The screaming was making breathing nearly impossible. Arabella wanted to puke at the sight. He had his hands all over her. Arabella couldn’t stand it.

She ran. Sprinted. As fast as she could to save her baby. Arabella ripped Amalia out of his hands. Amalia knew it was her mother by the perfect touch. Finally here to save her. The screams cut off, hiccups replacing them. He stood in silence. His hands were still shaped as if he held the child.

“Get the fuck out.”

Like daggers, thrown right in his disgusting face. He flinched. Arabella growled. A mama bear protecting her cub. He took a slow step backwards. Then he turned and walked away like a real human being. He stopped at the door, glancing back at his daughters. Arabella caught his soulless glance. He winked. Winked. Like she was interested. Like she was just another quick fuck in a bar.Her own father. Gotta secret, can you keep it?

Arabella would die if this secret got out. Her own sick and twisted incest.