Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

better lock it, in your pocket.

Arabella didn’t go to school the next day. She watched and waited to be alone in the house. Mother’s quick, dainty steps went first. She didn’t even pause at the locked door to listen for sounds of life. Then came Daddy’s heavy, lumbering feet. Arabella shivered at the sound of his breathing as he passed by the nursery. He stopped. Jiggled the doorknob. When it didn’t give way under his meaty hands he too disappeared.

Amalia was confused. Mommy never spent this much time with her. She never stayed home even after nights of screaming and begging and tears, tears, tears. But today, Arabella wasn’t leaving her baby.

Arabella changed her diaper. Dressed her in purple leggings and a white long sleeved tunic before creeping out of the room. She dressed herself while Amalia giggled and clapped. The first smile in years graced her lips at the sound.

Nanners and Os comprised Amalia’s breakfast. Arabella settled for a steaming mug of calorie free green tea. And then mother and daughter traveled in a locked car to the park.Arabella had never realized how much she loved being a mother.

Car doors locked again. Baby slept in the back. And Arabella drove to the cemetery. No stroller available, she carried her deadweight daughter to Mitchell. She sat in the wet grass, her arms a perfect cradle for Amalia.Mitch, come back, I miss you.


It was Mary. Mitchell’s sister. Terror widened Arabella’s dull eyes.Someone’s cat is about to be let out of the bag. Not today. Arabella clung to Amalia and bolted. Better lock it, in your pocket.

“Arabella wait!”

Arabella drove away, doors locking her secret safe inside.