Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

taking this one to the grave.

Panic. Panic. Panic. Arabella could barely breathe. Amalia was still asleep, safe in her seat. But Arabella was terrified. All her hiding. All her planning. All her secrets. She had risked it all to visit to visit a boy.But Mitchell was so much more than just a boy. It didn’t matter. Because all of that was over now. Mary would tell everyone.

Arabella forcibly pulled her car over. Too much panic for her little body to handle. Shakes and quakes took over. Arabella turned and bit into her headrest. Screaming filled the car. This was all just too much. Arabella couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t handle life anymore.

There was a cliff. Not even 10 feet away. Just a quick trip off the edge. No more life. No more light.And the Three Musketeers would be reunited. It was so close. So easy.

Amalia’s perfect little eyes popped open. Like a mind reader discovering a deadly secret. Arabella caught the sparks of green in her rearview mirror. The look in Amalia’s eyes…she knew. She knew Arabella wanted to go just like Adelaide.

Her lip jutted out. Tears filled her eyes. Mommy was going to leave her. Mommy didn’t love her. Wailing, wailing, wailing.

Arabella had too much on the line. Adelaide hadn’t cared. Arabella did. She pulled back onto the road. There was a better way to do this. There would be a way to shut up Mary. Taking this one to the grave.

Arabella wasn’t going to join her BFFs six feet under. Mary wouldn’t tell once Arabella was through with her.