Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

swear this one you'll save.

Arabella stumbled home when the sun was rising. The door wasn’t locked. The door was never locked. Monsters didn’t fear other monsters. She had planned to stop just long enough for a shower and a new pack of cigarettes. Because that was what Arabella did. She had no love for her family. No love for anyone save Lila and Mitchell.

That was what stopped Arabella dead in her tracks. There was no more Lila. There was no more Mitchell. The sole survivor was Arabella. She was the winner.

She opted for a change of clothes, hold the shower, kthxbye, and left without even grabbing another death stick. She would get by. There were always other ways to score a high without an appetite. It’s not like she had any dignity to lose. Not like she had ever even had any. Swear this one you’ll save.

No one would save her. No one had saved Lila and Mitchell.