Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

i know what you're keeping.

There was water everywhere. Arabella opened her eyes underneath it, enjoying the way it blurred and muted her surroundings. Without warning, her skinny arms gave way. Amalia splashed down, Arabella lunging upwards just in time to catch her.

Amalia gave one single wail of sadness before clasping her arms around Arabella’s bony neck. Water deserted Arabella to latch on to Amalia. Drops spattered her forehead. Arabella wiped them away before they could invade her daughter’s irises.

The knocking downstairs was pounding into Arabella’s skull. She turned off the faucet. Lithely climbed out of the bathtub. A trail of tears cleverly disguised as bathwater followed in her wake. The glare of the red and blue lights outside crashed into Arabella’s eyes. She hissed. Amalia shivered.

An emaciated hand reached for the door handle. Don’t you dare open that door. Arabella attempted to infuse her face with life. Amalia hid behind her hair. The wooden door slowly creaked inwards. I know what you’re keeping.

The young man in blue stumbled backwards. The sirens were finally quiet.