Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

swear this one you'll save.

“A young girl was attacked not far from here at 3:00 this afternoon. Did you hear or see anything suspicious around that time?”

Arabella’s mind churned. Colors flashed. Sounds exploded. Mary’s face. Mary’s scream. Mary was weak. Arabella did nothing wrong. Mary was weak.

“No, Officer, I wasn’t home at the time.”

“Were you at school?”

“No. I was at the park with my sister.”

Half-lies. That was the key. Arabella was a master manipulator, but this situation was delicate. It required precision.

“Is that your sister?”

Arabella tried not to sneer at Youngster.

“Yes. I was about to give her a bath when you showed up.”

“Where are your parents?”

“Out. Work. They didn’t tell me much. Just to watch her.”

Youngster nodded. Elder scribbled in his book. Arabella’s nerves were scattered. She didn’t like these men. She wanted them gone.

“Thank you, Miss. If we have any more questions we’ll be sure to call you.”

Arabella smiled just like Barbie. They stood. She watched them leave. Closed the door behind. Clicked the lock. Amalia came out of hiding. Arabella kissed her forehead. Your lies were so pretty, dear. You've made me quite proud. Together, they went upstairs. Amalia got a new diaper. Arabella stripped to her underwear. Stripped to the bones. Clicked the lock on the door. Snuggled under the covers. Swear this one you’ll save.

Amalia slept; Arabella stared out the window; Adelaide slipped in and settled between them. Three generations of mothers and daughters. Mary would never tell.