Status: very active. this one is my special baby.

Skinny Little Scammers

now you're telling lies cause you have sworn to keep it.

Mitchell came along six months after Lila. Six months of the Dynamic Duo. Six months of competition and cleverly disguised hate for whoever was currently winning. Six months of jealousy and ugly. Mitchell changed everything.

No one was quite sure what he saw in Arabella. When the weight first started coming off everyone wanted her. But then Lila came into the picture. The game of The Thinner Is The Winner began. And suddenly Arabella’s curves fell off of the face of the Earth. No one wanted a girl with nothing to hug. And Arabella had nothing to hug. Nothing to squeeze. Nothing to cuddle. She was all angles and points with no squishy fat to cushion her. But Mitchell wanted her.

Mitchell ended the game. Maybe it was because he had always been better at hiding it. Maybe it was because he had always been better at lying.Maybe it was because Arabella really loved him. Whatever the reason just two short weeks after Mitchell came along the competition was gone. Abolished as decreed by Arabella herself. With Mitchell, Arabella learned how to hide everything under a cloak of fakeness.

Of course, the game never ended to Arabella. She watched as Lila went along with whatever Mitchell said. He had taught both girls that support was a better motivator than rivalry. They used to sit for hours, refusing to let anyone eat a morsel. Of course Lila had plateaued. Arabella knew it would happen. Lila lived for opposition. Without it, she had no drive.And of course Lila had always been so impressionable. Arabella continued to drop weight like girls dropped babies. Because in Arabella’s mind there was still a game going on. But now, the game was to lose without the other two noticing.

If the world was a just place, Arabella would be the dead one right now. But the world wasn’t just. Arabella weighed exactly 15.4 pounds less than Lila at the time of her death and 20.6 pounds less than Mitchell. She should have died.But the coke heads fucked it up. Instead, Lila and Mitchell had died. They left Arabella all alone, finally the true winner.

Arabella had Mitchell to thank for her victory. Maybe that was the real reason she had said yes to him. It had been so easy to use him. And, really, how did he expect her to love him? Arabella didn’t love anyone. Mitchell had thought that he had Arabella’s heart. But the silly boy had never realized that she had no heart. Now you’re telling lies cause you have sworn to keep it.

Lies. Funny how they had a way of becoming true.