Your Ghost


Sitting on Rick’s couch I could already tell how cold it really was outside. The window beside me was fogged from the freezing air and I watched Daisy beside me write her name on the window.

“You guys coming?”

Rick had emerged from his bedroom, throwing on the sweatshirt that had been clenched in his hands.

“But it’s cold,” Daisy complained, wrapping her sweater around her tightly.

“Then put another sweater on and stop complaining,” Rick replied, disappearing back into his room to get another one of his sweaters.

I stood up now, slipping on my combat boots and wrapping my scarf around my neck. Unlike Daisy, I enjoyed cold weather.

“Finally you guys are ready,” Ryan said, who had been sitting on the porch steps waiting for us for quite a while. He stood up, flicking away his cigarette just as Daisy, Rick, Lindsey and I stepped outside. No one but Daisy seemed to be fazed by the chilly weather, who had made a grunting noise and shoved her hands in Rick’s oversized sweatshirt.

“Oh come one, babe. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Rick asked swinging an arm around Daisy’s shoulders.

“Well, maybe, I would be a bit more pleasant if we did this during the day when it was sunny and warm.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Ryan asked who has taken the lead of the group, obviously a bit more enthusiastic then Daisy. I trailed a bit behind him with Lindsey, because I had never been in those parts of the town and I didn’t have any idea where to go. Rick and Daisy were behind us, Rick was trying to lighten Daisy’s unhappy mood.

We had only walked about half a block on the dirt road before we came to a grassy, wet slope of land. We climbed down it, suddenly thankful that I had worn boots as I heard Daisy complain about her shoes from behind.

We walked through the wet field before coming to a pair of train tracks. Walking over them, we came to a path that was nothing but gravel. We walked on the path, as we watched the sky become completely black, a couple of stars being visible, even from the bright city lights miles ahead.

“This is scary,” Daisy said, as she now clung on to Rick’s arm, cowardly.

“Not even,” Rick replied easily, not even the slightest affected by his girlfriends fear.

I agreed a bit with Daisy though. We had walked to far away from the grassy field and it had now became part of the woods, while on the side of train tracks we were on had a series of giant bushes and broken trees next to us. It was too dark now to see what became of ahead of the tracks, just as the same from behind us.

I watched as Ryan swiftly bent down, grapping a rock and clenching it in his hand, and tossing it in one of the bushes.

Understanding why he had did this, almost instantly a scream from Daisy had been heard and Ryan, Lindsey, and myself swung our heads to behind us where we saw a very frightened looking Daisy.

“Can we go back now?” She said with an over dramatic trembling voice.

“Nah, this is way too much fun,” Ryan said, smiling at her deviously and walking back ahead.

We had walked quite a while more, to the point where Lindsey started to lag behind, making Ryan and me in front.

“Bit slow, aren’t they?” Ryan asked as we had come to the point where we could only see the outline of them.

I nodded, stuffing my hands deeper into my leather jacket pockets, trying to warm up my numb fingers.

“You know,” Ryan said as he leaned into me for just a moment, his body heat sending a cold shiver through me, “they say a man haunts the train tracks. I guess he was just some bum or something walking around the tracks and just got hit. They said sometimes when you come up here at night, you can see a light up ahead. When that happens, you know he’s coming.”

He leaned into me slightly into the crook of my neck as he said the last part, in a lame attempt to scare me. His hot breath sending another shiver through my spine.

“You’re not as scary as you think.”

“Daisy thinks I’m scary.”

“Daisy’s also scared of her shadow.”

“True,” He said before turning around and facing the direction we came from.

“What are you doing?” I asked curiously as I too turned around.

“Look behind you,” Was all he said.

Doing as I was told, I looked forward and dimly in the darkness I saw a light.

“He always gets the ones left behind,” He smiled at this and broke out in to a run.

“But it’s a street lamp, dipshit!” I yelled as I watched him keep on running even after I yelled this leaving me to wonder if he actually thought he was scaring me.

But as I watched the area ahead of me darken and the sound of gravel against Ryan’s shoes disappear I decided to run as well.