Hello, Beautiful

Hello, Beautiful.

"That was totally amazing!" My friend Sarah shouted and jumped up and down.

"We know Sare we were right there with you!" Dawn grabbed her arms and jumped with her.

Perhaps I should explain. My name's Jamie, Jamie Locato. But all my friends call me Demi. For obvious reasons and it doesn't help with that fact that I kinda look like her too, dark hair, dark eyes. The only difference that I know of is that I'm Italian. My two best friends and I have just been to see, the amazing Jonas Brothers! Since the Jo Bros started I've been a huge fan, I've got all their albums, merch and everything. And now that I've finally seen them in concert, my life is almost complete. All I need to check off on my list of things to do before I'm 20 is meet the love of my life; Joseph Adam Jonas. When I talk about him my friends say that I go all fan-girly and God-forbid I ever meet him. I can kinda see what they mean, just thinking about him gives me butterflys in my tummy, much like now actually. "Yo, Dem. You coming home or what?" Dawn tapped my arm, making me snap back to sad reality,

"Uhh... Yeah sure." I glanced back at the front door of the venue hoping that I might catch a glimpse of one of the JoBro's before I leave. No such luck. Sadly, I turned to my friends, ready to head home. They skipped arm in arm back to the bus station where we were destined to sit for the next 20 minutes for the bus ride home, and that's if it's on time. I trailed behind, taking in as much of tonight as possible, smiling, remembering the concert. I'd taken pictures and videos on my phone, so it was that hard to remember. I smiled at one of the photos of Joe and Nick standing back-to-back with their micro-phones, sing thier hearts out. I set it as my phone wallpaper. As I started to walk back over to my friends, I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned around just out of cuiriosity. Oh. My. Gosh. I felt my mouth drop open. And stared. Just stared. Standing infront of me, was none other than Joe Jonas. My heart kept missing beats and I was completley speechless.

"Uhh.. Hi. I think you dropped this." He smiled -my God that boy's beautiful when he smiles- and held out my purse. I found enough strength in my limp body to shut my mouth and raise my hand to causiously retrieve my purse,

"Uhhh..Ummm..Th-Thanks." I stuttered, looking at him, trying my hardest to blink and still not make it obvious that my stomach was about to explode with little pink butterflies that were doubleing by the hundreds.

"I'm Joe." He smiled, holding out his hand, I shook it, grinning like a loon,

"I know, I just came from your concert. You were amazing." I tried to play it cool. Yeah, it wasn't working out so well.

"That's cool, I'm glad you enjoyed it." He continued to smile and we released our hands, much to my disappointment I might add.

"So.. Umm.. How did you know this was my purse?" I started up a conversation, tryign to spend as much time as possible with Joe. I know, stalker much?

"Well, I saw you talking to your friends and you just sorta, left your purse on the wall next to you. So I thought I should return it." He shifted from one foot to another,

"Thanks." I smiled again, "I really appreciate it."

"No biggie, I know I'd be really upset if I left something at a venue with 5,000 people around." He laughed, I looked around and chuckled too, "So.." Joe started, "Do you live around here?" For a moment there I thought he was about to ask me if I come here often; how cheesy.

"Uhh..Just a couple of streets away, that's why we're waiting for the bus. What about you?" Stalking? Perhaps, but I think I asked just to be polite,

"No, I live in the next state, so it's kinda a long trip home. But ummmm... If I'm ever around here again sometime, do you uhh..wanna hang out? Maybe?" He looked down and blushed. Oh. My. Gosh. Joe Jonas just asked me out. No. I'm getting to in over my head. I probably just fell asleep on the bus ride home. Yeah, that's it. I'm already on the bus, dreaming all this. It can't be true. Or can it? Oh how I hope that it's not a dream!

"Umm...sure." I smiled

"Sweet. So umm... maybe I could have your number?" Joe looked back up, "You know, so I can call you or something, so we can..hang out." He mumbled, I smiled, this was so cool! Joe Jonas, THEE Joe Jonas was getting nervous around me! Me, Jamie Locato! I couldn't believe it. I dug around in my purse for a pen and some paper, coincidentally there was some in the back pocket. I scrawled my number down as neatly as I could although my lines ended up wobbly because my hands were shaking from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I handed Joe the peice of paper and the most amazing thing happened; Our hands touched, not like a quick brush, but it was one of those moments in the movies, where the world seems to have stood still, and it's only us two. I could feel our faces drawing ever closer. We were centimetres apart, when all of a sudden;

"Demi the bus is...here." Sarah ran over and stopped dead in her tracks, Joe and I both looked over to her. I could tell she got burned from the inside out by my infamous 'Death-Glare'.

"I'd better umm.." I looked down at my feet nervously, not wanting to go home. I wanted to stay here, with Joe forever.

"Yeah." Joe looked down too, but suprisingly didn't let go of the paper. We looked back up and at eachother. "I'd better get going too, my brothers are probably wondering where I ran off to." He smiled weakly.

"Thanks Joe. For everything." I smiled

"No problem." He smiled, pulled my hand closer to him and kissed my cheek. I blushed fuiriously and smiled uncontrolablly, trying to hide my scarlet cheeks. "I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" Joe asked softly,

"Sure." Was all I could say, we let our hands slide away from eachother and I took a step backwards, "I'll umm.. speak top you tomorrow." I smiled,

"Yeah." Joe looked me in the eyes one last time before i started to turn away to go back to the bus, but Joe grabbed my arm softly,

"Wait, I don't know your name." I turned back around to face him hurredly,

"Dem.."I started before I stepped back into a lamp-post, "Uhh.. Jamie." I smiled "Jamie Locato"

"Well Jamie." Joe grasped my hand lightly and held it to his lips and kissed it softly, "It's been a pleasure meeting you." I couldn't stop myself from giggling like a child,

"You too." I blushed, lost in the moment, I was once again spanned back to painful truth that I had to get on the bus now, "Umm...I'd better go." I looked down, dissappointed and Joe let my hand down gently, "But, thanks." I looked up and smiled "For everything." Joe gave my a hearty smile, and we parted. I walked away slowly, still feeling Joe's gaze upon me. As I clambered onto the bus I turned back around to catch one last glimpse of Joe, smiling at the gorgeous musician I waved goodbye, as did he, and followed my friends to that back of the bus where we sat. As the bus started to move I glanced out of the window and saw my beloved Joe walk away. Was this all a dream? It had to be, it was much too good.

The next morning I woke up. Pleased with my dream, I sat up and stretched out my arms, that were still stiff from the concert last night. As a part of my morning routine I got up, sauntered to the bathroom, did my make-up and teeth and walked back into my room. As I continued to do so my phone blew up with my ringtone; Hello Beautiful. My favorite JoBro song, and much to my amazment; it was Joe. It wasn't a dream! Not wanting to miss the call I answered, containing my excitement. I've never had a better day since that call. But I'm sure I've got plenty more to come with Joe and his brothers.