A Day to Remember

Big Mistake

I opened my eyes and I realized that today I was leaving for our field trip. I got up and grabbed all my stuff. I gave my uncle and my mom my last goodbye and drove to the school. I waited in line to figure who my bus partner was. Jeremy Davidson was my partner. He had brown flippy hair, blue eyes, and pink lips. He was a junior and he liked me. I sat next to him and he smirked. I looked at him and fidgeted in my seat.
“Is that an original Beatles bag?” He said.
I looked at him. I didn’t know he had a British accent, I thought. “Um yeah, It is.” I said.
“I’ve been looking for an original one.” He said.
I looked out the window. Andrew got on the bus and I stared at him. He was just so, so. He was…
“So cute.” I said loudly.
Shit, I looked down at the floor. Jeremy looked at me then at Andrew.
“You know him and I are tight.” He said.
“I know.” I said. “What’s been going on with him?”
“Well, to tell you the truth. He’s scared of falling in love.” He said.
“He’s scared of that?” I asked.
“He always thinks of his parents.” He said. “He runs away from it. That’s why he’s been dating Ashley he’s too scared to date someone he really likes.”
I looked at Andrew. I love you, I thought to myself. I really love you, I want to be more then friends. Okay I’ll admit it. I love Andrew Jacob Wamsely. I wanted to scream it to the world, but I couldn’t. I put my headphones on and waited. 2 more hours and were finally there.

I looked out the window and we were there. I grabbed my things from the back of the bus and found Courtney.
“Courtney, hey!” I said while hugging her.
“Hey girl.” She said.
“Okay let’s go check out our room.” I said.
The ski resort was so small and it was painted brown. We walked inside and it was huge. They had animal heads everywhere. I looked to my right and there was a huge fireplace with chairs and tables. I looked to my left and it was a dining room with people eating steaks and turkey. I followed Courtney to room D-14. We both opened the door and fell on our beds. Our room had a western side to it. Everywhere had pictures of hunting and animals.
“Oh wow, this is so cool.” I said.
Courtney was touching the furniture. “Sure is.”
I sat up on my bed. “I need to tell you something.”
“Go right ahead.” She said.
“It’s about Andrew.” I said.
She turned around and looked at me. “Go on.” She said.
“I think I love him.” I said. “I really like this guy Courtney.”
She looked at me in shock. “Go for it. That’s all I have to say.”
I gave her a hug. “Thanks.” I said while getting up. “I’m going to grab a hot chocolate. Want to come?”
She shook her head. “I need to unpack this. Thanks anyway.”
I closed the door and I saw Ashley and Andrew making out. I looked at them until Ashley pulled away from him.
“What are you looking at?” She asked meanly.
Andrew looked at me with concerned eyes. I walked away and I could feel Andrew staring at me. The feeling of him made me want him. Andrew was something else. He was a god.
As I walked to the cafeteria, I inhaled all the smells brewing from the kitchen. I backed up and I bumped someone. As soon as I know hot coffee was all over me.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He said.
That British voice sounded so familiar. It was Jeremy.
“It’s okay. It was my fault.”
He offered his hand and I took it smiling at him. Jeremy wiped off most of the stain off with the napkins. I grabbed his hand stopping him. He looked up at me and I looked back. Andrew was behind Jeremy and past us bumping into us. I quickly moved my hand away and blushed.
“I have to go.” I said walking away. Andrew was jealous, I thought to myself. I went inside to put on my hiking gear. Everything was scheduled. Each day was a different activity today’s was hiking. Courtney was in Team Blue and I was in Team Yellow. I went outside and stood with my group. Our teacher checked off names and we made our way up the mountain. She split each group into teams of 4. Take a guess who I got paired with, Andrew and Ashley. He was the leader of our group since he’s done this before.
“Alright Team Yellow, We got a big mountain to climb.” He said leading us.
Ashley went and grabbed his hand, walking beside him. I rolled my eyes.
It was freezing outside. I was wearing layers inside my yellow coat. We finally got up to the top and we had to find the mystery item so we could get points. I went past some trees and I found it. It was a golden cup with rubies on it. I went to grab it but I fell and my jacket got caught to a branch. Before I knew it I was dangling 500 ft above rocky cliffs. I screamed and started to panic. I was living my worst fear. Heights, I’ve always been afraid of them. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, trying so hard not to look below me. Just as I opened my eyes Andrew was helping me out. I felt the branch start to come out. I screamed even more and as the branch fell, Andrew grabbed me bridal style and I was bewildered.
“You saved my life.” I said in shock.
He set me on my feet. He looked me deeply in the eyes. I smiled.
“I can’t believe you saved me.” I repeated. My hair flew in my eyes and he took the strands of hair and tucked them behind my ear. He leaned in close to my ear.
“I would give my life to save you.” He whispered.
I stared at him and blushed. I looked down but he quickly lifted my chin up to make me look at him. He smiled and pulled in and before I knew it we were kissing. I took in his scent and clenched his hair. I could feel his warm breath breathing down my neck. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled. That was the best kiss someone ever gave me.
Ashley saw us and ran up to us. “What is this?” She yelled. “And you’re telling me I’m cheating.”
He looked at her. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” He winked at me.
“We’ll talk about this later.” She said gritting her teeth. She grabbed his hand and walked away.
I went to find the other group. My head was in the clouds. I was reliving that kiss in my head over and over again, walking as if I were in a trance. As we went back to the resort Andrew grabbed my arm. I turned and smiled at him.
“Meet me at the rooftop at 5pm. Wear a swimsuit.” He said.
“A swimsuit, Why?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” He said as he raised my hand and kissed it.
I walked away and went inside my room. Courtney sat there smiling.
“You got kissed.” She teased.
“Shut up.” I said.
I told her every bit of detail on what happened. What would possibly happen at 5 pm? I kept thinking the possibilities and the causes, but nothing came in mind. All I knew was I loved Andrew no matter what. I watched TV the rest of the time while Courtney did her homework. It was almost 5 by the time I watched 6 shows. I got up and put on my striped bikini. I put layers of clothing over so no one knew what I was wearing. As I walked upstairs I thought what was going to happen. I got up all the flight of stairs and I heard a click behind me. Andrew grabbed my waist and I jumped a little.
“Did I scare you?” He asked while smiling.
“A little bit.” I said biting my lip.
“Demi, I think I love you.” He said turning me around to see my expression.
“I think I love you too Andrew.” I said putting my head on his shoulders.
He started to kiss my neck and breathe down my back. I started to make out with him and push him to the door. He grabbed my waist and pulled my sweater off. He pulled away and bit my lip. I smiled and started to shiver.
“I’m freezing. Why do we need our swimsuits?” I asked.
He tried to warm me up. “Were going in the hot tub.” He said taking off his polo shirt and jumping in the hot tub. “Come on Demi!”
I stripped down to my bikini and jumped in. “Your crazy Andrew.” I yelled.
He splashed me with water and I splashed him back. We started to horseplay and tackle each other. We sat and cuddled each other in the bubbly water. I straddled him in the hot tub and kissed him lightly.
“I heard you were afraid to fall in love.” I said staring at his gorgeous green eyes.
“Your different.” He said. “You just look like you’ve been through a tough time and I think I could fix that.”
“I’ve been hurt too many times. That’s why I don’t really talk to guys.”
“Everything’s going to change Demi.”
I kissed him. I really wanted him which led to me wanting to have sex with him. I caressed his stomach which led to intense making out. He started to pull off my bottoms. I could feel him inside me. He started to trust and I groaned. Until someone came out and we quickly got off each other and acted normal.
“Oh your time is up. We’re next.” These three girls came out and waited for us to get out.
Damn, I thought to myself. We both put our bottoms back on secretly and left. As we were inside I faced him. He kissed me deeply and pulled away. “I love you Demetria.”
“I love you too.” I said walking in my room.
I sat on my bed. Whoa, I thought to myself. I had a feeling I could spend the rest of my life with him.
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