Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes


Chapter 1

"ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH!" I Screamed at the top of my lungs, hearing his footsteps upstairs, I continued, "GET YOU SKINNY JEAN COVERED ASS OUT OF HERE!"
All my so called bestfriend could do was stare at me, with a pout, his eyes getting watery.
All I could do was glare.
He was a hell of a good actor.

"OUT GASKARTH! OUT OUT OUT OUT!" I screamed at him as I watched him cautiously, he made his way towards the front door, which I held open, "Out, you are probably the most inconsiderate Jack Ass, I ha-!"
My rant of rage of course was cut off as the lanky light brown haired freak tackled me to the floor, pinning me face down, as he quickly sat on my ass, cackling madly. Like the true mad man the boy was.
"You fucking prick!" I squealed as he poked my rip, "Get off me! And get out of my house!"
"now now Hadley Parker," he sighed, trying to sound serious, "This isn't your house, this is your parent's house, their is a big difference, you kno-"


"NO!" Alex whined, as he continued poking my side, "I came over here, so my best friend could so kindly make me a sandwich!. . . "
I rolled my eyes and I gave up fighting, "Well, I would have if you had kindly ask-"
"SHHH," Alex shushed me, causing me roll my eyes and sigh, yet again, "I come over, so excited to see my best friend, her mother kindly lets me in, and tells me to wait downstairs-
"And you should have listened," I muttered turning slightly to stare at him. I shrugged watching him glare at me his eye brows raising, obviously annoyed.
"Anywhoo. . . I decide not to listen to my bffles mother because I'm too excited to see her," Alex continued, moving around trying to get comfortable, "So I go upstairs, and walk into her bedroom, but what happens, I get a water bottle and stuffed moose chucked at my head!"
"YOU COULD HAVE KNOCKED!" I screamed, standing up, making Alex fall to the ground.

He merely rolled his eyes, "Girly, don't act like I haven't seen what you girls have. Trust me I have."
I glared as he continued smirking.
"AARGH!" I hollered shoving passed him towards the kitchen, I heard the soft thudding noise of his feet walking on the carpet following me.
I turned around, rolling my eyes as he pouted, pointing at bread on the kitchen counter.
"You don't deserve it,"I smirked, causing him to frown.
"So, you basically want me to starve?" Alex asked seriously, his face blank.
I turned, smiling at him, "Yup," I said nodding eagerly, "I really do."

Alex whined anxiously, "Pleas, Hadey, Please!"
I rolled my eyes turning away from him, biting my lip nervously.
"Hadey, I ran all the way over here, just to have lunch with you!" he whined grabbing me around the waist, and holding me tightly. At his actions my face began to burn, and I quickly turned away as he tried to get me to look at his face.
"How about this?" I questioned trying to pull out of his arms and gaze, "Let's go get the others, and go get subs or something, I'll pay for yours?"
Alex's grasp around my waist loosened, and he grinned as he pulled away, "You don't have to pay for mine silly." he said ruffling my hair, "I'll pay for mine and yours."

Upstairs in my room Tessa, Olivia, Jessi, Kara and I rummaged through my closet, trying to find something to wear.
"WE'RE JUST GOING TO GET SANDWICHES!" Alex hollered from downstairs, Jack continuing after him, "JEANS, UNDIES, BRA, SHIRT SHOES, THAT'S ALL YOU NEED!"
Olivia rolled her eyes, and went to my bedroom door, "WE NEED TO LOOK GOOD!"
Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack laughed loudly from downstairs, "WHY?!"
I chucked, boys were clueless, I pulled on my cut of tee, getting a smirk from Jessi, "Isn't that the shirt Alex hates?"
I nodded, "I don't care, it's my favorite shirt!"
At my sudden outburst, the boys downstairs grew silent, and seconds later we heard the thundering of footsteps, announcing Alex's arrival.
Just as the door was about to be pushed open, Olivia and I ran against it, locking Alex out.


I chuckled as Alex pounded at the door, "HADEY!"
I chuckled dryly at the sound of his angry voice.
"No Alex I can wear what i want!" I said pushing the girls aside, and letting my bestie into the room, "So quit it."
Jack stood in the doorway as Alex slouched his way into my room, collapsing on the bed, poking Tessa in the process.
"Can you put a sweater on?" Alex begged me, his eyes wide and worried.
I glanced at the girls and Jack who were holding back laughter, "What's in it for me?"
Alex glared at me before sighing deeply, "I'll let you guys, I mean, girls straighten my hair."
It was our turn to smirk. Alex's prized possession, apart from me and his guitar, was his hair. No body touched it. Like how nobody was allowed to touch me. No one dared to.
I grinned and jumped on his back, forcing his face into the pillow.
"Really?" I smirked.
He nodded slowly, "Only if you wear a sweater."

"I hate you," Alex mumbled as we walked into the diner, his arm around my shoulder.
I smiled starring at his straightened hair, "It looks good,"
"I look like a dweeb," he whined as we waited for a table, Jack and Jessi laughed at his whining.
"You're my dweeb," I teased flicking his nose, causing him to glare. His eyes however traveled to my exposed midriff, which was partially covered by my cardigan, he frowned deeper this time.
"You really had to wear that?" he groaned, standing infront me blocking my from view.
I rolled my eyes, trying to shove him away as Kara and Zack cackled softly at Alex's actions, as he tried pulling the shirt lower.
"Stop it," i chuckled slapping his hand away.
Olivia smirked from Jack's side, "Alex, stop acting like she's your girlfriend. She can dress the way she wants!"
My face burned at her words, and Alex quickly brushed it off.
"I can fuss over her," he said standing behind me, his arms wrapped around me waist, his chin laying ontop of my head.
"She's my Hadley."

I knew everyone was watching, but I couldn't help but blush madly.
And let my heart beat rapidly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my new story, and my first Alex Gaskarth story :]

Off to a sort of slow start, but please give it a chance?

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