Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Happy Holidays you Bastard Part I

Chapter 14

Christmas was coming up soon, and things were changing, and I hated change. Well, for one Alex nolonger hung out with us, he would only briefly say 'hi'. We would see him briefly, before Noel's posse would herd him somewhere else.
According to Jack, Alex was planning on losing his virginity sometime soon.

Kara, the girl's and I walked through downtown Baltimore mall, bags heavy and our purses slightly lighter. Our christmas shopping almost done. All I needed was to get something for Alex. And if it were up to the girl's he wouldn't be getting anything.
"He doesn't deserve anything!" Olivia whined as we made our way towards 'Guitar Center'. Rolling my eyes at her antics, we stepped in, our ears meeting the loud sounds of Avenged Sevenfold.
"What a surprise!"
Jumping at the sounds of Jack's voice, I frowned realizing he wasn't alone. Alex popped out from behind an amp, a bright blue guitar in his arms, I relaxed however when I saw that Noel was not with him. "Hey girlies," Jack said giving each of us a hug, trying to take a peek into my bag, I shoved him away , "Nuh-Uh, Jackary!" His eyes grew wide, and he tried harder to open my many bags, "MY PRESENT IS IN THEIR! I HAVE TO KNOW!"
Alex rolled his eyes before he grabbed his best friend by his hood, and motioning him at Tessa sending her the 'Take care of the boy you like' look. Before he turned to me, pulling me in a tight hug, "Whattup Girlie I miss you,"
Sighing into the hug as his arms wrapped themselves around me tightly me, I relaxed into his grasp, burrying my head into his chest, taking in his sent, the fucker had to ruin the moment

"What are you wearing???" Alex asked me as he pulled out of the grasp, probably feeling the leather of my pants, causing the girls to snort at his sudden concern and me to roll my eyes, "Clothes."
Alex sighed at my answer and gently grabbed my arms making me turn around, "The pant's are too tight, I can see your underwear," he hissed at me, before he snatched me around the waist and began wrapping his jacket around my waist.
"Stop it!" I hissed at him, as Jack cackled from his spot by the girls, "It's fine, it doesn't matter!"
"Yes it does, Hadey!" he frowned, trying to work the puppy pout. "It doesn't, I'm... I'm not wearing any," I whispered in his ear, watching as his eyes grew wide, and he stared at my butt, before looking back at me, as I rolled my eyes, "Really?" he squeaked.
I nodded, before shoving him away, and thrusting his jacket in his arms, my face burning I went to stand by Jack, who pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my cheek, "She looks hot, Alex. Leave her alone."
Kara chuckled, while I stared at my 'bestfriend', "Yeah, I'm not your girlfriend, or anything."
Alex, stared at me with narrowed eyes, before Jack clapped his hands breaking the silence, "So how about you ladies, finish buying my presents, and then come meet us at the park, so we can have a snowball fight!"
The girl's nodded in agreement before Tessa shook her head, "I can't."
I smiled as Jack's face fell, and Tessa blushed, "Whyy?" he whined taking hold of both her hands, causing the girl's and I to grin, "Hannukah party, relatives are coming over." I watched as Jack nodded sadly, "Tomorrow?" Tessa nodded eagerly.
I stared aside, chewing on my gum loudly as the boys left, while Olivia yelled out, "Don't foreget to Bring Noel!"
I could've slapped her.

"HEY!" I screamed as a large snowball hit me on the side of the face, sending pieces of ice down my tanktop. I turned and glared at Vinny who was grinning at me sheepishly, before he tried to run away through the deep snow, Jumping on his back, I landed and shoved a snowball down his pants. "FUCK!"
Laughing as he pushed me off of him, I cringed as he pulled down his pants, exposing his man hood for the world to see, he retrieved the ice from his undies. I watched as my friend's through snow into the air, laughing wildly.
Alex was tackling Jack to the ground, while Noel stood off to the side, Kara talking to her. "HEADS UP!" Jack yelled before a snowball hit me sqaure in the face, and then a body landed ontop of my own.
I froze as Alex landed on me, the snow seeping into my hair as he stared down at me. My heart was beating wildly, as he smiled and brushed hair out of my eyes, and grinned, "Hey there cutie." he smiled.
Biting my lip, I tried to breath, watching as he leaned in closer, his nose brushing against mine cutely. This would've been a great moment, had he not had a girlfriend. Trying to shove him off of me, he groaned, but sat on me, "This is my spot."
I bit my lip and stared up at him and whispered, "Not anymore."
Alex stared at me shocked, while I shook my head and held back tears before yelling, "Noel, Come get your fat boyfriend off of me! I'm dying."
As he rolled off me, Noel and I threw a snow ball at him, I threw mine half heartedly, and began walking away, watching as the boy I loved tackled the girl he loved into the snow, kissing her softly. Stealing 'our' kiss.
Shivering against the cold, I buttoned up my jacket and pulled my beanie over my ears, before i made my way towards the street, where my bike was leaning against Jack's.
"Hadley, where are you going?!" I turned as Jack's voice echoed through the park, and saw everyone's eyes on me, including Alex's. "I'm going home!" I yelled back, reaching my bike and unlocking it, and wiping the snow off of the seat. I heard the snow slush behind me, before I saw Jack walking towards me, "I'll go with you. Tessa's not here, and I want to hang out with my new bffle." he said smiling and hugging me tightly, before he whispered in my hair, "Ignore him, he doesn't know what he's missing. Hot chocolate at your house though?"
Smiling, I shrugged and waved at the other's. Alex's pained, and confused, snow ball hit face etched in my mind, as Jack and I road away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you ALL for the wonderful feed back, its making writing this story a whole lot more awesome!
This was pretty much a filler, so you can decide if you found it boring or entertaining.... ><
So, I've decided to keep this story going on for while (a long while), and then I will add a sequel! hooray, would you guys read the sequel though, or would the idea of fighting for love get too boring??? lol
5 comments for next update plz