Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes


Chapter 15

I knock on the Gaskarth's front door and a smiling Isobel answers the door, "Hello Hadley, I haven't seen you in a while!" she says giving me a hug.
Yea, ever since he started dating the skank
I smile pleasantly, "Just been busy with stuff."
"Well go on up, Alex has been cooped up their all day."
Smiling, I'm glad that he's home. Skipping up the stairs I pass two bedrooms, before I stop at Alex's with the bright red stop sign was up.
I smirk, not going to knock, so he can know what it likes. But as I open the door I freeze, and stared with shocked eyes, before shutting the door quickly and bursting down the stairs. The imprint of Alex fucking Noel fresh in my mind. I cringe, as I wave good-bye to Mrs. Gaskarth, and exit the door, they've only been dating for FOUR MONTHS. FOUR MOTHER FUCKING MONTHS

I stay infront of the house on the laying on the law, and blush badly as Noel comes out the door, and hour or so let, she grins sheepishly, waves and gets into her car. I stand up and begin pacing on the sidewalk infront of the light green house, "Alex, I'm sorry, but we had a date tonight, were supposed to watch. . . what the hell are you doing!?" I hissed to myself, as i paced back and forth, and back again.
I scream, and launch my fist at the owner of the low voice. My eyes widen, and I see Alex their holding his shoulder, with an amused expression on his face. Causing me to glare. "Should I say, 'Ow'?" Alex cackled, rolling his eyes, collapsing on the grass, a dreamy look on his face, as we motions at me. I glare at him, "What? Do you want me to ask, 'How it was'?" I snarl at him taking a seat on the grass a few feet away from him.
"It was a-fucking-amazing." he sighed, before he chuckled to himself.
Hmph, yea laced with STD
"Congrats." I mutter solemnly, picking at the green grass. "So what brings you here?"
I glare at him, "You're a fucking prick,"
I stand up and begin to walk away from him, not expecting him to follow me, "What? What did I do?"
"Are you kidding me!?" I hiss at him, hitting his shoulder with force, "You-Fucking-Are you?!. . . . . . . . .AGH!"
"What the hell Hadley!?" he screams at me.
"You completely blew me off today!" I hissed at him, watching his eyes widen in recognition, "Ah, now, the boy genius remembers. I can't wait 'til you get fucking signed and start touring. Who know's maybe you'll foreget my birthday, or fucking Hannukah!"
"You're not jewish, Hadl-"
"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!" I yelled, watching him roll his eyes, "You're completely ignoring me, you're friends, you're band-"
"Well, my time doesn't belong to just you and everyone anymore!" he yelled,
"I have a girlfriend! You should get a boyfriend and get fucking laid!"


"Oh, Yeah I should!" I hissed, "And I Hope he's just like you!"
"You're fucking ridiculous" he laughed sardonically, "Raging with angry hormones!"
I gasped at his words, "You dick! I respect myself, and I'm not going to throw myself at anyone, like YOU! . . .Oh when you're on tour they're not going to call you 'All time Low', its going to be 'MAN-WHORES ON THE ROAD!"
It was his turn to gasp, "Take that back!"
"NO, ASS-KARTH!" I yelled back, watching his face grow red with fury, "You are just a waste of my energy!"
"Well, how do you think I feel?!" Alex snapped, "I'm not you're fucking boyfriend or anything Hadley-Marie! Hell, you're probably just frustrated, because I'm you're only friend. The one that's always their for you."
I bit my tongue at his words, and felt my eyes water, "You're an asshole. And I always bug you, cause I thought you gave a damm."
"You thought wrong the-." he stopped talking at his words and froze, while I shook my head.
"Hadley I didn't mean-"
"Whatever, you have a habit of never meaning allot of things. You brush aside everything! Me, Jack, Rian, Zack, you're band! What about you're other friends. . . What about me?"
He stayed silent.
"What about the mixed tapes? What about the finding Nemo Friday's?"
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Were not ten anymore Hadley."
"Oh, I know. I just can't believe you grew so much in 4 fucking months."
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dun DUUUUN :] Drama-Rama :]
thank you all for the comments, and I would've update last night, but I actually went to the Eclipse Midnight Show...T________T haha it was uh, an interesting experienc xD

Well let me know what you guys think about this.
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