Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Kings and Queens

Chapter 16

"I know what you and Jack did at your aunts-"
Screaming loudly, I turn around and stare at my mother who is standing in my bedroom doorway, a sad look on her face. "Honey, I know you're going through allot, and angry sex, may have seemed like the answer to everything bu-"
Sighing I take a seat on my bed, "Mom, it wasn't angry sex. I know you're probably disappointed with my decision, but I trusted Jack, I still do. Were best friends, we used protection."
Mom didn't say anything, she shook her head, "Just be careful, okay? Please."
Nodding I layed down on the bed, arm over my eyes. "How did you find out, Mom?"
Not looking up, I heard my mom chuckle, "Clara called me this morning. Found a couple condom wrappers trying to be hid under the mattress."
Blushing madly I launch my pillow at my mothers head.

Kara came bursting into my bedroom, causing me to scream and fall off of my desk chair, "What waht waht!?"
Her face was bright red, at first glance I thought she was angry, and had found out what had happened between Jack and I.
"The boys got signed!"
My heart drops, and then the beating picks up, "OH MY GOHD!"
"Yeah, Alex said he was going to tell you-"
I stopped jumping, "He didn't say a thing. We don't even talk anymore, why would he say that-"
"I wanted to tell her Kara, and apologize."
At the sound of his voice, I turn towards my bedroom door, glaring daggers at the boy who destroyed me. Motioning Kara to step forward I walk towards the doorway where Alex is standing, a smirk, and a sad look adorning his face.
"Hey Hadley-"
Slamming the door in his face, while he clutched his nose, I hold my hurt fingers close to my chest, hearing Alex cursing from the other side of the door, turning to Kara she has a pridefull, and scared look on her face.
"WHAT THE HELL HADLEY!" I hear Alex cry from the otherside of the door, as he bangs his fist on it, "I THINK YOU BROKE MY NOSE."
"GOOD!" I scream back at him, sitting on my bed, Kara takes a seat next to me, listening to Alex's whines. "Don't you think you took that too far?" Kara asks me softly, while I shrug, feeling the tears ready to fall down my face, "No. He broke my heart."
"Awww, sweetie," Kara smiles sadly, pulling me into a hug, "But, according to Jack, Noel and Alex might be ending soon...So you know what that means."
I pulled away from her roughly, and stared at her with eyebrows raised, "I don't want her, sloppy seconds."
Kara and I stared at each other wide eyed, and stared at the door. "Your daughter BROKE MY NOSE!" Alex yelled shrilly, before he yelled out an anguished scream, and I giggled nervously as I pictured my mother poking the crooked and bruised body part. "HADLEY MARIE!"
Kara glanced at my with wide eyes, while I shrugged and climbed off of my bed, grabbing a sweater, my wallet and bag I went towards my window and opened it, glad for once that our house was not two stories.
"Where are you going-?"
Smiling slightly at Kara I shoved my belongings into my bag and grabbed the garage door key. "I'm going to go visit someone."
Just as I was about to put my leg over the window sill, I brought it back in and went to the door and opened it, "HE HAS TO APOLOGIZE FIRST. . . FOR EVERYTHING!"
Slamming it shut, I bid Kara good bye and jumped out the window and made my way towards the garage where I quickly grabbed my bike. Rolling it out of the garage I heard my mom screaming, and Alex screaming in pain.

Biking down the empty streets, I rode slowly the sad looking iron gates coming into view, I gripped the brakes and peddled to a stop. The iron gates looked just as uninviting as they had the first time I had visited. Peddling up the drive, I kept going, going and going until I reached the isolated hill, where my so called best friends, best friend was burried.
Just reading the name on the headstone put me in a frenzy. Gripping the breaks on the handle bars, I froze as I hit the right break hard, the left one with a looser grip, and the front wheel stopped sending me over, and onto the ground.
Screaming and groaning in pain, annoyance, and sadness, I shoved the bike off of me, and limped with a gashed leg, towards Daniel's head stone.
"Yeah, that was the bike you gave me," I sighed starring at the headstone, a slight smile on my face. I don't even remember what he looks like anymore. Just the same light brown eyes as Alex, the same lengthy hair. That's it. Nothing more. The sound of his voice, the way he laughed or smiled. Nothing.
"You know your brother has been the biggest asshole since you've been gone, I don't know, but I think you came from the smart sperm side, and Alex well, we'll never know. . . Just when you left, something in him left and died on the side of the road as well."
Sighing I sat and stared at my leg watching the blood trickle down my legs towards the ground.
"You really think I'm stupid?"
I didn't jump. I didn't scream. And as much as I wanted to chuck my bike at his head and knock him to the ground, I didn't. Instead, I sat; silently, watching him carefully out of the corner of my eye. Happy to see that their were white tapes on his nose.
Not starring at him I softly answered him, "I really do think you're stupid."
Alex sighed, and I cringed as he took a seat next to me, trying to get closer, he sighed however and stayed put.
"I haven't been here since last year, since he was buried." Alex spoke softly and I glanced at him, watching his purple nose, his large brown eyes holding less confidence and more sadness then they had been before I punched him, "It's weird, but it's peaceful here-"
"An escape?" I muttered leaning back, letting my hair get full of leaves, grass and what nots.
I saw Alex glance down at me and as much as I didn't want to I stared back at him, our sad eyes meeting. "Hadley, I'm really-"
"Alex, you hurt me." I mumbled, and pulled my gaze away from his and stared up at the sky, the trees blocking out the sun, allowing small flickers of light through, "You weren't their, even if I didn't need anything, you were supposed to be their. Checking on me, like I did with you. You never called me, you never tried to contact me. . . you just vanished."
Hearing the rustiling of the grass and leaves, I felt the presence of Alex's head near my own, and the sound of his breathing in my ear. "I know, Hadley. I just wanted to see what it was like, without someone their for me...I'm obviously back, so it obviously didn't fucking go well."
"No more, Noel?" I asked. The hopefulness, I would have usually felt gone.
"No more Noel," Alex said softly.
I cringed as I felt his hand brush against mine, trying to intertwine our fingers. I heard him sighed, but he laid his hand ontop of my own either way. "Hadley, I want to go back to the way things were. . ."
Glancing at him, I sighed, and scooted closer until face was in the crook of his neck, and I let my tears fall. "Alex, you left me."
He let out an anguished sigh, and I felt him turn so he was holding me; as I shook and cry, gasping for breath a gripped his tshirt, and hit his chest lightly, again and again.
"I know Hadley, and I'm so sorry," Alex murmured into my hair. Sighing I breathed in deeper. "Don't do anything stupid every again." I sighed smiling as I rolled out of his grasp, smiling as he moved towards my stomach where he laid his head down, "I don't care what sperm side you came from."
Alex chuckled and I felt his head bob up and down on my stomach, "I'll try, even though its in my genetics. . . Is this still my spot?"
I didn't answer him. Scared that if I did, how he would react to the fact. That he was the second person to call 'his spot', their own.
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Wow. . . haven't updated in a while. . .sorry!
so thank you all for the wonderful, feed back, makes uper happy!
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