Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Rise Up

Chapter 19

I glared sideways at Kara as I walked out of the small dressing room Boutique in downtown Baltimore. Pulling the dress lower, trying to cover my way to exposed sighs, I groaned as Kara gushed happily. "Girlie, its adorable, not too sexy, but not too innocent. . . like you."
I turn away from the mirror and raise my eyebrow at my friend and chuckle, "Thank you."
"No, it's better to be 50/50 of each."
The light haired boy cringes as we both scream and launch clothe hangers at his heads, "What are you doing here?!-" "You're not supposed to be here?!"
"Well, I'm bored!" he sighed collapsing on the old fashioned navy blue fabriced couch next to Kara, "Besides, Noel's mother keeps glaring at me. Kara rolled her eyes, as she text's on her phone, "Well, I don't see why she wouldn't I mean you just broke up with her daughter, and you're already clinging to two helpless
girls, meaning Hadley and I." I laughed softly and glanced at myself in the mirror, frowning at the reaction the light pink dress was getting from Alex.
"What now, Alexander?" I sighed, crossing my arms, "Too short? Too seductive?
what what what what?!"
Alex shook his head and laughed at me, "Nothing is wrong with it Hadley,"
Kara scoffed in annoyance, and muttered under her breath before standing up and walking towards me, "Alex, we need you're honest opinion."
Alex ran a hand over his face, and stared at us exasperated, "It looks amazing, Hades."
"Okay Kara, get me out of it,"I chuckle softly, watching Alex stare at me in shock. "What's wrong with this one!?" Alex groaned in an exasperated tone. "You like this one, its $50, I am not only spending $50 on my dress, boy you're crazy."
Alex stood up off of the couch, "I don't understand girls."
"You never will, sweet heart," I teased poking my tongue out at him. "No, go wait outside, outside, with Rian, that's the best you can do right now."

Walking into school the following monday with Alex by my side was a weird one. All the people he had met, and become friends with through Noel, now glared at him, and mad rude remarks. I was proud to see that he walked passed them, head held high, as though nothing was wrong.
"How are you Alex, with everything?" I asked him as we walked towards my locker, and he leaned on the one next to mine. "Eh, it's whatevers now, no more relationships. The band and you guys are my number one priority now. . . WE GOT SIGNED!"
I blushed as the hallway grew silent, and the majority of the student population turned to stare in our direction. Closing my locker, the un-bothered Gaskarth stood proud, while I grabbed his arm, "Alex, noone cares." "WELL THEY SHOULD!"
Rolling my eyes we made our way to AP Biology, which unfortunately, Noel was in the class. Alex and I walked towards the back of the room, where I sat down in the seat infront of Jack, closest to the window. Alex took a seat next to me and stared at me intently. "What do you want Alex?" I sighed watching him unamused. "I don't want to make eye contact." he whispered motioning with his eyes towards Noel, who was glarring silently at me. "Well, I don't think she's mad at you, she's glaring at me." I sighed, as the bell rang and our teacher walked in, his goatee slightly crooked. The class began to settle down, and Noel came and took her seat infront of me. Oh Joyous Day
As she did, her elbow brushed forcefully across the back of my head. I heard Jack mutter swears under his breath, while Alex remained silent. Taking matters into my own hands, I tapped Noel on the shoulder, "Is their a problem?"
She turned with a sour look on her face, and I looked over her and watched the teacher carefully. "Yeah, their is Parker. I don't understand, why Alex even bother's dealing with you. I don't understand why anyone does, hell, why am I talking to you now. But you're nothing more then attention whore, you like it, and you know that's the only thing you'll get."
I stared at her, with wide eyes, shaking my head, "That's you you're talking about."
"What is it Alex?" I jumped as the teacher spoke, and Alex put down his hand. "I have something to say"
I watched as my bestfriend stood up and stood infront of my desk, his back to Noel.
"Hadley, Marie, Parker."
I watched him with raised eyebrows, "Yes?"
"I won't stop asking until you say yes so. . . Will you go with me to Prom?"
I blushed as the girls in the class 'awwed', the guys whooted, and Noel glared.
"Ah, but of course Mr. Gaskarth."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think i say this enough, but thank you all for the wonderful feedback, this, my writing I do it for you, for you to enjoy, and it makes me happy and smile
So thank you all so much!

I'm going to be gone for the weekend, spending it at UCLA :] and i'm quite excited, so this will be the only update for the next three days, but maybe on sunday, i shall update :]