Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

I Never Told You

Chapter 21

"Kara the zipper better not be stuck,"
It's the Saturday night of Prom, in 3 hours we'll be having our last High School dance. My mother broke down in tears when I got back from the salon, after getting my hair, nail and eyebrows done. My father had been rather quiet the whole ride back from Townson, and had been like that the whole time my mother had been crying.

"My baby is growing up!" she cried pulling me into a tight hug, crushing me and causing me to groan, and my father to chuckle, before she killed me.
"Holly, don't smother the girl, or ruin her hair!" he chuckled, causing me to glare, and stick my tongue out at him.
"Oh, of course. I-i-it's just my baby girl is growing up-"
"MA!" I yelled as she came towards me once again, I held up my arms, "I'm not leaving for another three weeks, okay? Smother me all you want then, okay?"
My mother mocked glared at me, and sighed, "Okay, go get dressed, the limo will be here 6pm, and the boys and others are coming at 5 for pictures, okay? Is that right?"
Smiling I sighed, "Yes, mom, that's it."

"This is our last High School dance," Tessa sniffled as she did her finishing touches on her make up, as she spoke from my bathroom, "Our lives are really getting started."
I smiled, as Kara zipped me up, and sniffled sightly as a tear escaped my eye, "I feels so surreal. It feels like only yesterday, that I kicked Alex in the balls for calling me pretty in the 3rd grade-"
"Oh, my god!" Kara chuckled, stepping back to stare at me, "I remember that, a little, he went to the nurses, and then you went to the principals' with your parents, where they explained-"
"That cooties were just a myth, and that boys were just as human as us," Tessa finished, and we all broke into fits of laughter.
We all giggled as my mother's voice echoed through my bedroom door, and we all shuffled out. Kara and Tessa stood behind me timidly, as we fought for who would walk out first. Taking a deep breath, I took my first step forward, carefull not to trip over my heels, I walked, and felt my face burn red as Jack whistled, my mother broke down in tears, and as Alex stared at at me in awe
"Sweetie, you look amazing!" my mother gushed, as I reached them, and I heard the sound of the other heels coming behind me.
I carefully watched Tess and Jack interact, Jack stumbled for words, and Tessa's face blushed pink as he gently kissed her cheek.
"You look great, Hades."
Smiling brightly, I glanced up at Alex, as he stared at me in his suit, that matched my dressed well, and the smile that always dazzled me. "Thanks Alex, you don't look to bad yourself."
"I have two thing for you," he smiled, I watched shocked, and amused as Alex blushed slightly, and stumble for something in his pocket, before he pulled out a silvery white-corsage. From behind us, I watched as the boys handed their dates their corsages, and as the parent's took many, many pictures.
"I-I, here, this is for you," Alex mumbled, as I he softly held my wrist, and placed the beautiful arrangement on my wrist. I smiled, and leaned up to kiss his cheek as he finished, his face burned red, and I stared at him in surprise.
"And this,"
I watched as he pulled out a make-shift CD cover made of colored paper, and covered in drawings, before handed it to me. "Their are two CD's in their, they make up for every 'holiday' I missed."
I smiled, and felt my eyes brim with tears, "Alex, you didn't have to-"
He shook his head, "No, no. I had to, I'm still fighting my way into your good graces."
Smiling I chuckled, "Seems like you're mission is now complete."

I held Alex's hand tightly as we piled out of the limo, reaching our hotel-prom-venue in downtown Baltimore. Several familiar faces stood out in the crowd and I instantly squealed, and pulled Alex towards Jessi, Olivia, Matt, Vinny, Jack, Kara, Tessa, and Rian. "Girl, you look great!" I chuckled as Matt did his impression of what a ghetto voice would sound like, and smiled, "Why thank you Matty, I will be sure to save a dance with you."
I grinned as Alex pulled me closer to him, his hand on my waist, while mine draped around his middle. "Are we ready to go in?" Jack asked excitedly bouncing up and down, dragging an excited Tessa with him. I glanced at the hotel door and smiled up at Alex, "Lez Go!"
The venue was absolutely gorgeious, so many different lights, table arrangements. . . so many of what you find at prom.
Holding Alex's hand as we all filed in, I leaned into his chest as I saw Noel glaring at me, her arms around a buff looking guy that looked like he shouldn't be in High School anymore.
Alex seemed to notice my nerves, and held my closer, whispering in my ear, "Hey, forget about her. This isn't about her, this is about you, noone else. Just you and me."
I felt my heart flutter at his words, and smiled and felt my confidence grow back. As we passed Noel, her eyes never left mine, and I stared right back at her. Raising one eyebrow at her, I gave her a questioning stare, which she instantly cowered back against. "That's my girl." Alex chuckled, kissing my temple.
"I want to dance," I whined, pulling on Alex's hand as we finished our dinner. I was having a blast, having danced with all of my friend's except my date, who claimed he couldn't dance at all, and would humiliate himself. "Noo, Hadey, I'm going to humiliate myself beyond reason-"
"I think that ship sailed when you dated Noel-" Jack choked out, but stopped when Alex glared and him. And the skunk haired boy grabbed his date and headed towards the dance floor, faster then you could say "All time low".
"Alex," I whined, leaning closer to him, batting my eyelashes, "pweaase?"
I watched as he fought within himself before he sighed, and nodded. Causing me to squeal, and jump out of my seat, and wait for my date to stand up. "If I break your toes-"
"I will kill you," I chuckled dragging him by the hand, "But you won't, okay?"
He stared at me nervously, and we moved to the beat. Half-way through the song, however it stopped and a slower song came on I never told You, by Colbie Caillat began playing. I felt my face burn, as the couples around us, began moving slowly, as though it was just them on the dance floor. Alex noticed my discomfort and stared at me curiously. I gave him a crooked smile, and shrugged, "C'mon, we can wait for the next song-"
"No, I want to dance with you," he said and gently held my wrists and placed them around his neck, gulping I made sure they stayed, and he smiled as he placed his own hands on my hips, holding me close to him. We gently swayed to the slow beat, and I followed his lead. Halfway through the song, I shivered, and Alex gently rolled his eyes me, "You're a baby, are you cold?" Sticking my tongue out at him, I spoke softly, "I wouldn't be shivering if I wasn't," He chuckled sofly,
"Okay, smart ass. Do you want my jacket?" Without a second thought, I nodded.
We pulled away for a moment, before he slipped his jacket of and onto me. Placing my arms back around his neck, and feeling his hands on my hips. I sighed and leaned against his chest, inhaling deeply. I love you Alex.
Alex sighed deeply, and I felt his cheek lean against my forehead. "I can't believe we've known each other for twelve years," Alex spoke softly, and I chuckled, "feels longer," I glanced down at me, "Is that a good thing?" I smiled and leaned on my chin, to stare up at him, "A very good thing."

I chuckled tiredly as we walked down the sidewalk of the almost quiet neighborhood towards the Dawson house, where Alex and I would leave the rest of the group. "We know you are Jack." Alex groaned as he walked behind me, his arms around my waist holding me close, blushing, I pulled his jacket closer to me, chuckling realizing that it was the same length as my dress. "Rian, are you really having an after party?" Tessa asked as she supported her date, with a smiling face. Kara glanced up at Rian, "Well, it's only open to my bffles, so if you guys want to come, come on over. I'm sure you don't want to deal with Jack on your own Tessie?" Tessa glanced sideways at Jack, and nodded, "Good Idea."
Alex and I left the group halfway down the block, and turned up another street, heading towards the green house. "Are you spending the night?" he asked me softly as we stepped into the living room. Nodding slightly, I smiled, "Yup, my house is too far away." We climbed up the stairs, towards Alex's bedroom, where we stepped in and he gently shut the door. "Well, I'm glad you're house is far away. I can spend time with you." Shaking my head, I slipped off his jacket, and took a seat on his bean-bag chair, "I'll be with you the majority of your music career, won't you get sick of me?"
He stared at me in mock-shock, "Never, Hadey, never."
I watched him step out of his room, as his parent's voices echoed softly through the silent house. Smiling I grew comfy in chair, and almost fell asleep with my feet tucked under me, before a large shoe box, with markings in sharpie caught my attention. Sliding to the floor I went towards the box, and opened it. Finding old pictures, of me and our friends, the band, broken picks, broken guitar strings, and a couple of filled notebooks, that on the cover read lyrics.
Grinning slightly, I read through a couple pages, before a title of a song caught my attention. And as I read down the pages, my eyes widened, my head began to shake, and my eyes began to water.

"What the hell are you doing?!"
Jumping I dropped the notebook that was in my hands, with tears streaming down my face, watching Alex's raging face come towards me, snatching the box, and notebook away from me. His tie gone, and the buttons of his shirt opened.
"This is personal shit, Hade!" Alex yelled, causing me to cringe into the floor, the lyrics I had been reading fresh in my mind, causing my head to spin.
"You can't do shit like that!" he continued, coming towards me. Standing up, I placed my hands over my ears, shaking my head. Watching him yell, every word inaudible, "shut up!"
I saw him stop talking, before he started all over again.
"Stop it!" I screamed, "Shut up! Please, just shut up!"
Alex stared at me with wide eyes, before he started towards, me, grabbing my wrists, he removed them from my ears and force me to sit on the bed.
"Hadley, what's wrong?" he asked holding my face between his hands. I shook my head, Jack's voice ringing in my ears; "Alex is the writer, he writes about what he likes, who he likes, who he loves, who he fucks. . .
"You're probably going to hate me for this," I said shaking my head, and pulling away from his grasp.
"I never could never hate you, Hadley, never." Alex said watching me as I stood up and began pacing around his room.
"Your lips are a hot flame, baby
and our chemistry is kerosene...
Take it off, take it all off,
maybe we can get down and burn up in the heat"
I recited shaking my head, as Alex watched with a cautious stare, "Is that really all you care about? Sex?"
"What are you getting at Hadley?" Alex questioned curiously, with anger, standing up and walking towards me with arms crossed.
"You're so fucking blind!" I sobbed, gripping the roots of my hair, I felt his hands on mine, trying to loosen the grip on my hair and I instantly shoved him away, "You've been blind for 12 fucking years. You just don't see it."
"Are you jealous, that I haven't written a song about you??" he asked me, a smile playing on his lips as though it were all a joke.
"AGH, I HATE YOU!" I yelled at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled back at me, watching my every move.
"Oh, MY GOD," I screamed, and this time, I let my heart decide my fate, I rushed at him and pressed my lips on his, I felt him freeze against my touch, before he slowly responded, but before it could get anywhere I pulled away. Stepping away, I watched him, his eyes curious, "Alex, I've been in love with you for so fucking long, and I've been so scared to tell you."
"Hadey," he gulped, "we're friends we can't do this, I don't love you like that."
"Oh, I know." I said through gritted and shaking teeth, "You don't realize who loves you, for you, and that they're right here in front of you," I said softly watching him carefully, "You care and love the idea of a one night fuck. But you can't do that with me. And if I were easy, and we did fuck I would be in that notebook wouldn't I?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So what did you think of the update????? BIG CHANGE happening in thenext chapter, and im excited!!!!

comment comment comment <3

the song choice for the title is very appropriate, if you haven't heard it, go youtube it, or 4share it and listen to it, its amazing :]