Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Deja Vu

Chapter 22

No matter how hard I try to stay away, it's always hard to stay away from those you truly, care for and love. As my dear friend Jack Barakat would say, "You Hadley, are the metal. And we are the magnets. . . no matter where you are we'll find you." From his words, I don't know if I should be worried that he's slowly becoming a stalker, and following me around in a white van.
Well, the days in the white van are now over. All time Low and I have moved on to bigger things. . . bigger means of transportation, bigger venues, more merch for me to sell.

fast forward four years
Jack however still thinks I am the metal; and I stare at him intently as he stares back at me, my bunk curtain drawn back, his nose touching mine. I stare back, my eyes still droopy from lack of sleep; but I can't do much about it, because I am the metal.
"Hadey, are you still tired?" He questions as he lays in the bunk with me, my stuffed pet Zebra, Charles in his arms, as he pets him, his eyes however never leaving my own. "Yes, Jackary I am actually very tired," I yawn and pull my stare away from his. Pictures of him with skunk hair entering my mind, and I smile. The mixed colored hair due, no longer existing, instead it is now a solid brown.
"What are you smiling about?" he asks childishly, pulling my arm from over my eyes. "Memories," I sigh, and close my eyes, before I feel my phone vibrate from under my pillow. Jack chuckles, and I glare at him, "Lemme guess, its Alex, texting you at 4 in the morning to go in the back room to watch movies. Oh wait, he texts you because he is too lazy to just walk a couple feet over here."
Chuckling, I nod my head, and grab Charles from Jack's grasp, grabbing my pillow and quilt, I gently shove Jack from my bunk; watching as he rolls his eyes, and pouts, "I want cuddle time!" he whines.
Glaring at him, I hit him with Charles over the head, and laugh loudly, earning groans from Matt and Vinny, who've been trying to sleep for the past couple of hours, "I am not your official cuddle buddy, your official cuddle buddy is Tessa,"
Jack's eyes lighten up at the sound of his girlfriend's name, and he chuckle's once before he dives into the bunk above mine, where I hear Tessa squeal, and then the sound of kisses and giggling.
Making my way down the small are between bunks and back lounge, I yawn once and type in the password near the side of the door, and watch annoyed as it slowly opens. As I take a step in, I am tackled to the ground, in the dark by what I'm guessing to be a man with slightly blonde, light brown hair, "HADEY!"
I smile as Alex whispers my name dramatically, almost like he's in a spy movie.
"What Alex?" I groan as I feel him straddle my waist, "Please tell me you didn't eat all of the candy-"
"And what if I did?" I asks seriously.
"I will personally kick your ass," I groan shoving him off me, I stand around and find the light switch, Cringing at the light, Alex stares up at me, grinning in his pj's and beanie on head. Around him I see many, many, many, many, many, candy wrappers littering the floor. "Alex, what did Matt tell you about eating the candy? Hell, What did I say about eating the candy."
He says nothing for a moment, and does all but stare intently at me, before he grins sheepishly, "Nope, can't say that I remember." Glaring at him slightly, he closes the lounge door, and we carry my stuff to the couch, where we lay down, and Alex finds 'Finding Nemo' on netflix, cuddling up to him, I pull my blanket up to my chin and relax to watch the movie. Smiling as Alex wraps his arms around my waist and kissing my temple, we settle down to watch the movie.
Nothing personal is celebrating its three month anniversary.
And I think it's finally hit the the boys and me, that they're making it big.
The days in the van were great. Sarcasm. Great, being cuddled up to four
boys who are just raging with hormones. And waking up to Kara or anyone
traveling with us in general screaming, 'Eww you fucker, you're boner is touching me!
Yup, those days were, great but I'm somewhat glad that they are over.
Now were are in the van, travelling to bigger venues, farther away places.
Yup, life is great.

Oh did I mention, Alex and I are still not together?
♠ ♠ ♠
sorta short, but cute :]
I told you guys I would be back, and updating more :]
the feedback for the last chapter was incredible! and I'm glad you guys loved it, and I'm sad to hear that some of you cried :[

So with this chapter, I was going to start a sequel, But I have decided against it, and will just continue here, to see how it goes. And who knows, maybe a sequel will come out after this one ends :]
more more more comments plz