Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes


Alex POV
As I slowly rose into conciousness, the screaming grew louder and louder. Sitting up violently in my bunk, I groaned as my my head hit the bedframe. "Fucking hell," Groaning I made my way out of my bunk, and towards the source of the screaming, the bus was not moving, and we were parked across the street from Central Park. We were here; New York City.
Walking towards the front lounge, I saw that no one was their, frowning, I jumped as the screaming continued. Following the noise, I made my way towards the door, where I opened the door and was met with a ear full of the screaming.
I stopped my question, as something landed in my mouth, and the screaming stopped; only to be continued by giggles, and chortles of obnoxious laughter.
Pulling what ever was in my mouth out, I stared at the bright green silly string, and stared at my band mates and crew, as they laughed at me. Looking for the person with the green can, and my eyes narrowed and my heart fluttered, as Hadley's face turned pale when she met my gaze.
The events after Senior Prom nearly destroyed our frienship. She wouldn't look at me; and I was just scared to set my eyes on her, and kiss her back.
I know how I felt about her, and I think I knew how she felt about me.
The feeling of her lips on mine, turned into a distant memory, when we didn't talk. Hell, she was even thinking about going to college in Canada, because she didn't want to be anywhere near me. With some convincing from myself and others, she was finally convinced again to come with us.
However she made it clear that she no longer held those feelings for me. Saying that she valued our friendship more. That broke me a tiny bit.
But, now that I think back on it, I would rather have in her in my lie forever as a friend; then lose her over a stupid fight. But the more she grew closer, and I saw the feelings she had of me slowly disappear, the more I longed for her touch. And to feel her lips against my own once again
"Hadley, I better not get lead poisoning or something, because I swear it's on your head." I did my best to rinse the disgusting taste out of my mouth, as we stood in the small cramped bus bathroom. She was seated on the toilet seat, a smirk on her face, as she giggled at my distress.
Smiling at her, I bit my lip, as her short outfit rose higher up her thighs, and I did my best to control the feeling of wanting to pounce on her, and make her my own.
Pulling my gaze from her thighs, I smiled innocently, only causing her to roll her eyes and stand up, nudging me slightly, she chuckled, "I think the chemicals reached your head."

"I need to buy something,"
Walking arm in arm with Hadley, I stared at the many shelves around me as we walked through Walmart. Our show wasn't for another couple of long hours. So what does All Time Low do to kill time. We spend money.
"Alex, really? You don't need anything," Hadley chuckled rolling her eyes, but stopping as we passed by a make up aisle, "But I on the other hand could use some makeup." It was my turn to cringe, as he dragged me through the aisles, stopping every so often to check the prices on expensive eye powders. "Hadey, you don't need make up, you're pretty without it." I froze as the words left my mouth, and I saw Hadley stare up at me with distant, sad, and curious looking eyes. "Thanks, I guess, Alex."
I watched hurt, as she pulled her arm out of my grasp and walked down the aisles, still looking at the make-up, now with a little less enthusiasm. "Hadley, I-" I stopped mid sentence and watched her turn around to look at me. "Yea?"
Do you still like me?
I watched her eyebrows meet in confusion, as I stared at her a word not leaving my mouth. Sighing, I put on a smile, "Get what you want, go on, pick something."
She chuckled, and rolled her eyes, "Thanks Alex."
Nodding I sighed as she took my hand and asked my opinion on everything.
But the only thing I wanted her to tell me was that she loved me back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute Chapter, but sad, in my opinion. . .
Thank you to those who comment, and hello new readers.
The comment count as slowly began to decrease! it makes me very sad, so I know I've been updating allot lately and quickly too; but it's going to stop unless I get my comment requests :[
so atleast 8-10 comments for the next update