Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

The Good Life

Chapter 25

"I'm bored."
"How are you bored?"
"Shut up fucker."
"Why don't you, you pansy."
"NO, You shut up!"
The bus and I stared in shock as Alex and Jack screamed at each other. We were on our way to the Hamptons, and we were not moving. We had been stuck in traffic for the passed 4 hours. And the immobility was driving us all insane.
Leaning against Zack as he took pictures on Photobooth, I smiled as he stretched our faces and snapped the picture.
"Are you bored?" I whispered to him, carefull not to let Alex and Jack hear, terrified that it might start WWIII. "Eh, not really." he shrugged. Nodding unconvinced I let my eyes close.
"IM BORED!" Alex screamed.
"THAT'S IT." letting my eyes snap open, we all laughed as Jack launched himself at Alex who was laying at my feet, where he tackled him and sat on his face.
"Are you bored now?" Jack yelled starring down at Alex who struggled to shove the lanky boy off of him.
"YES!" Alex snarled and shoved Jack off of him, where he fell at Zack's feet.
I watched as Kara and Rian shook their heads, and Matt glared at the two boys, his eyes having been closed moments before. Tessa leaned against my shoulder, and we took pictures with Zack.
"MATTY, I'm bored!"
We all glared at Jack, while Alex sat up between my legs, glarring at his friend, "Fucking hypocrite."
Matt sighed exasperated, "Maybe we could make a stop to eat somewhere?"
"YESS!" we all yelled in exasperation.
Matt rolled his eyes, and he and Jack went towards the drivers seat where Phil was heard agreeing with our tour manager. Texting the other buses quickly, I sighed in relief as we exited the over packed freeway.
Alex held his phone in the middle of us, as we had we the kings, hey monday, and friday night boys on speaker.
"IM HUNGRY!" we heard Hunter and Danny cry from one end.
"TGI FRIDAYs!" Cassadee and Andrew yelled.
"WE HAD THAT YESTERDAY!" Alex and Rian yelled back.
"CHEESECAKE FACTORY!" Kara, Tessa, Cassadee and I yelled.
The boys on the ATL bus stared at us as though we were crazy, I ignored their stares and pointed out the window, "ITS RIGHT THERE!"

Four U-turns later, and screaming for bathroom and changing access, we were all seated at a large booth, in the back so we wouldn't be bothered.

Sitting between Alex and Cassadee I did my best to avoid any contact with Alex. The whole table new about how I felt, except for the person I felt my feelings towards.
"How've you guys been?" Cass whispered quickly, as Alex ordered his food. I sighed and shook my head, taking a sip of my soda, "He's probably just stupid, but he doesn't even remember what happened at our prom night. And I'll be glad if he thinks I don't like him anymore, because, I'm trying my hardest to stop."
Cass gave me a sad smile, "Boy's are stupid."
"How are we stupid?"
Freezing, and starring flatly at each other, Cass and I turned our gazes towards Alex who starring at us innocently and curiously.
"You just proved our point Alexander," Cass said simply shaking her head.
He raised an eyebrow, and looked at me, where I merely shrugged and sipped my soda. "Well, Miss Still under 21, who's stupid? What Point?"
Cassadee choked on her drink, while I glared at Alex, with sour eyes, while he shrugged innocently, "What you are under 21."
"Only for one more week Gaskarth," I hissed at him. "And our point, is we something that says 'boys' and then you instantly want to know what's it about. I don't know if you're gay, but you boys are stupid."
"That's not a good reason, Miss Under 21."
I glared at him, "Shut up, and it is a good reason."
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you for filling my comment request :]
makes me happy!

So this chapter, is not good, and I absolutely hate it. But I needed a filler before the events of the next chapter comes out. If I get 9-15 comments for this update, I will update twice