Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

The Future Freaks Me Out

Chapter 26

Normal POV

"Hey Kids, what can I get you?"
I smiled as a group of girls and boys came towards the booth wearing a large variety of Halloween Costumes. Kara chuckled as a parent stared at us, and the group increduously. It's Halloween lady, our only day to dress as slutty and revealing as we want. But to be honest, I think she has the same mentallity as a certain Alex Gaskarth. When too much revealing will only cause problems.
Kara nudged me softly as a group of guys our age came towards us, smirking slightly. Rolling my eyes as they approached them, I motioned for Vinny to take care of them.
Tessa shifts uncomfortably as one of the guys who is not talking to Vinny, winks at her and begins talking to her. Sensing her discomfort, I place an arm around her shoulder, and smile dryly at the guy. "Sorry, bud but she's taken, so is that one."
The guys pouts dramatically, but leans closer to me, "And what about you? Are you taken?"
My heart thumps in my chest, and my stomach drops, but I stand straighter, and lie with a straight face, "You could say I am."
The guys shrugs, and leaves the booth with the rest of his friends trailing not too far behind.
"Creepers," Vinny shudders, in his Batman costume, "Don't know how to look at a lady without making them feel weird." Chuckling Kara and I hug Vinny as he shakes his head, and glares at the guys, as the walk a few feet away, and stop, glancing back at the booth occasionally.
"You girls really couldn't have just listened to the guys, and not have dressed up." Vinny snarled as the guys continued to look our way.
Kara and I shrugged, while Tessa continued to shrink away under their gaze, causing me to frown in their direction. "Why don't they have security here up front, with the merch?" I sighed, glancing at the other merch booths, where some of the other girls were getting bugged as well. Looking at the Hey Monday Booth I spotted Cass glaring at one of the guys that had bothered us earliers, looking ready to hit him. At the Friday Night Boys Booth, Andrew had his arm tightly around his girlfriend/fiancee Nicole. Frowning, I looked back at the guys that had bothered us, seeing they were now gone. Except for a few stragglers.
Climbing over the booth tables, careful not to flash the world, I stared at Vinny and the other's in frustration. "I'm going to go tell Matty; we need security up here, these guys are just creepy."
Vinny nodded unsure, "Do you want one of us to go with you?" Shaking my head, "No, just text him and tell him to meet me at the back door. Kara, give me your pepper spray."
Kara chuckled, while Tess stare apprehensively, "Don't go, Hadey. Just wait till the guys are done, then the other's will leave us alone."
I stared at me friend, rolling my eyes, "Chill, Tessa; nothing is going to happen."

Pepper spray ready I walked through the small sea of buses and cars, carefully watching who was around me, I relaxed as I saw a group of parent's with their teen daughters. Making my way towards the back stage door, I smiled at the large, friendly security guard, Phil. "Hey dude." I smiled, as he offered me a small hug, "Could you get Matt for me, their are some creepers by the merch booths."
Phil, nodded, "You want to come in, or do you wanna wait?" "I'll wait outside,"
As the door slammed shut, I moved my hips to the beat as the guys played Too Much. I froze however as the song finished, and I realized how empty the parking lot now was.
Pulling out my phone, I quickly texted Jack, who wasn't on stage at the moment, but screamed as a hand landed on my shoulder, and another covered my mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh Oh :[

OMG almost at 200 comments, you guys are absolutely fantastic <3
Okay, so here's the plan, if I get 4 comments for this update, the next chapter will be up really quick!
so comment comment comment!