Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Break Out! Break Out!

Chapter 3

I cringe at the sound of the loud voice, that belongs to a tall lanky boy with skunk hair.
Tessa's eyes are wide as we make our towards my locker, ignoring the two maniacs that are following us at a close distance.
I groan however, as the wiry arms wrap themselves around me once more, "Their is no escaping you, is their Jackary?"
The tall boys shakes his head at me, and quickly lets go and hugs the girl next to me, causing her to blush and me to smirk widely.
"I can never get enough of you Miss Hadey," Jack says in a serious voice, "BUT WE HAVE PE TOGETHER!"
I cringe and groan at that reality, "Yay."
Jack's face falls at my voice, "You're mean! HATEFUL!"
I laugh loudly, as he continues yelling about how horrible I am, but Tessa and I only laugh louder, as teacher pops her head out of the classroom, and glares at us, but smiles kindly at Jack.
Jack's face grows feareful, "Oh, uhm. . . Hello Ms. Prin."
Tessa and I hold back laughter, as the teacher motions him into her classroom, Jack glancing back at us looking terrified.
"She totally has a thing for him," I laugh loudly, as we exit the hall and head towards the cafeteria.
Tessa chuckles, "The only reason he got an A last year, and will get on this year, is because she loves him. . . Remember when she was like 'Oh, Jack, would you mind staying after school for a few minutes to help clean up?'. . . okay, it was the last day of school, he didn't meet us until 6."
I giggled, "Yup, I do. . . poor guy he's going to grow up to be a pedofile, he's probably getting touched in the wrong places."

"Who's getting touched in the wrong places?"

I screamed as Alex's voice hit my ear, and watched him laugh, and Tessa giggle nervously.
"We were talking about Ms. Prin, if you must know." I said glarring at him, waiting for my heart beat to climb back to normal.
Alex chuckles, and walks with us towards the cafeteria, "I'm worried about him. I know he's weird, but she's fucking with his brain."
I smirk, and as does Alex, and we stare at each other before, "That's not the only thing she's fucking!"
Tessa rolls her eyes, "You guys soo need to get together."
I feel my face turn read, and stare at Alex, who pulls me into a tight hug, "meh meh meh."
Tessa rolls her eyes and gets in line, grabbing, chips, sodas, and pizza.

As we walk towards our hill, Alex pulls me aside, "Hey, I have something for you."
I smile, knowing what time of month it is. . .
an no. Alex is not on his man period
"really," I say smiling, "What a coincidence that I do too."
Alex grins widely, and puts his arm through mine, as we reach the group.

Jack being no where in sight.

Opening my soda, I put it aside, and pull out a CD from my back pack. I smile at the designs I put on it. Flying cassete's, guitars, little skulls, and music notes. Grinning I turn to Alex who is watching my every move.
"creeper much," I say flicking his nose, chuckling as he scrunches it up. He sticks his tongue out at me, and loosens his navy blue tie.
"I am a CREEP!"
I chuckle and as does the rest of the group, as small huddle of freshman girls walk passed us with wide eyes.
"Uh, Hey," Alex says watching as they scurry away giggling, at his red face.
Shaking my head, he hands me a CD in a light purple case, designs all over it as well.
"Here you go my good sir," I chuckle, taking his, as he takes mine.
Grinning he opens the white, clear case, "Cool designs, as all ways. You make my artwork look like some kindergardner drew it.
I chuckle as he pouts, "Well, Mr. Gaskarth, you're good at singing, and I'm sorry to say but that's it."
He frowns, before a smirk grows on his face, "Take that back Hadey Parker."
Taking a sip of my soda, I shake my head, "I'm sorry, but I cannot tell lies."


I scream loudly, as Alex jumps at me, causing my soda to go flying out of my hand and roll down the hill. "FREAK!" I scream as he sits on my stomach, smiling creepily. Alex shrugs, and continues eating his lunch while sitting ontop of me.
"are you going to get off of me?" I question as crumb falls on my face.
"No," he states simply.
I turn towards the other's, and smile as Jack comes into view, his face pale.
"JACK HELP ME!" I scream, smiling in triumph as Alex freezes and leaps off of me, and runs away as Jack charges after him, both screaming wildly.

Making my way to the group, I take a seat back with the group. All of their eyes are on me, giving me a knowing look.
"Stop that," I sigh.
Rian and Zack merely shrug, looking away, and then getting up and charging after their friends, and fellow band mates.
"How do you do it?" Olive asks me quizically, as Matt runs after the other's, pecking her lips quickly.
"Do what?"
Jessi rolls her eyes and sighs, "How do you hold yourself back."
"from what?"
"The girls stare at each other, "How do you hold yourself back, from Alex's charm?"
I sigh and chuckle, "He's my bffle. I'm immune to his 'gaskarth ladies man charm'. But I'm not immune to his true self, I guess."
The girls chuckle, "Well, you need to tell him soon."
I shake my head, "No way."
Tessa shrugs, "Maybe he likes you back."

I look over my shoulder and stare at the five crazy boys wrestling on the grass, their uniforms getting dirtier by the second. Alex charges at Matt tackling him to the ground.
We wince as Jack knocks Alex to the ground.
"Uhm, no." I laugh, "He's in his own little bubble."
Tess smiles at me sweetly, handing me the mix tape.
"I like what we have." I smile, "Little moments like this should always last."
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you all for the comments they're most appreciated :] but I need more!