Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Right Girl

Chapter 30

"Shhh, SHhhh, Hadey-Poo, we must be very quiet."
Rolling my eyes, as Jack whispered into my ear, I set my gaze foreward, looking over the bush, at Rian, Zack, and Alex. "This isn't going to work," Kara hissed from next to me, I followed her eyes to where Alex was standing a hose in hand as he wet the slip 'n slide. "It will, never doubt Jack!" the lanky boy whispered happily. Kara and I stared at each other rolling our eyes. "Jack when do you want to go-?" I froze when I didn't see the lanky boy next to me anymore, sitting up, with my head peaking over the hedge, I stared with wide eyes, as Jack tackled Alex into the slip 'n slide, while chucking water balloons at Rian and Zack. Kara sighed, "I think that's our cue?" Nodding, I stood up, grabbing my baggie full of largly filled water balloons, "I guess so."
Kara screamed loudly as we hopped over the bush, towards Rian and Zack (seeing as Alex was occupied). Grabbing the largest water balloon, I launched it at Zack's bare back, causing him to freeze and grin at me before he ran at me; screaming I raced around the side of the house I made a move to grab the hose, but was stopped by someone wrapping themselves around me. "UH Uh, girlie," I screamed as Alex pointed the hose at my chest, soaking my tanktop. "Alex, you fucker!" grabbing one of the water balloons, I smashed it on his face, laughing as he screamed. Avoiding Zack's grab, I made my way back around the side of the house, where Jack, and Kara had cornered Rian and now Zack. Grabbing the hose, Alex had previously been using, I aimed it at him, a he came towards me, his shirt now off. "Hadey, don't get me wet, it's cold," he whined while smirking. I smirked wider, and aimed it at him, laughing as he spluttered as the water hit him in the face. I squealed as he tackled me to the ground, prying the hose out of my grasp, he wrapped his free arm around my waist, and used his legs to hold me in place. I laughed, and screamed as he opened my tank top from the top, and put the hose down their. "Alex!" I whined, trying to get the hose away.
I glared at him as he threw the hose away, while he laughed at me and shook his wet hair. "Yes?" he asked smiling brightly, his brown eyes shining. "You're such a dick!"
"How am I the dick, you guys got us first!" he protested, pushing me on the grass and laying between my legs. "Hmmph, fine," I chuckled. "Hey guess what?" he asked smiling, leaning his nose against mine, "What?" I chuckled as he gently peck my lips.
"You're my baby."

We were in LA recording and getting ready to premiere their DVD. The house we were staying at was located in the Hollywood Hills, supplied with a pool, a great view, and many many water suppliers. All in all a great vacation.

"ALEX GIVE ME MY TOWEL!" I screamed poking my head out of the bathroom door, the water dripping down my naked body, and on to the tiled floors. "NEVER!" he screamed from downstairs. I groaned and stomped my foot, "FINE, THEN DON'T COMPLAIN WHEN YOU'RE BAND MATES SEE MY NAKED BODY BEFORE YOU DO!"
I waited a few seconds, before opening the door, and seeing Alex standing their, towel in hand with wide eyes. Snatching the towel from him, I made a movement to shut the door, but groaned as he pushed his way in. "Alex, you've seen me naked before." I sighed, trying to wrap the towel around myself. Alex smiled, and I glared at his bare chest, "I've seen you, but I've never looked at you naked." Rolling my eyes, I let him hold my close to him, and hoist me ontop of the bathroom counter. Wrapping my arms around him, my lips trailing kisses down his jaw line, and then towards his neck, where I nipped and kissed at his weak spot. I smirked as I heard him groan, and wrapped my legs around his waist bringing him closer. I moaned as his hands went between us and caressed my breast, while his other traveled towards the inside of my thigh, where it tried making my way towards my underwear covered bottom. "Ah, Ah, Alex." I taunted, and pulled away from his lips. He frowned at me, as I wrapped my arm around his neck, our chests touching. "Upper body fondling is the only thing I'm going to allow right now. Sorry." I smiled up at him shyly, watching him nod, and stare at my chest.
"Okay, horndog." I chuckled, "Time to get out, I'm sure you can go make yourself happy on your own.
"You're evil."
"You're just horny."
"I'm going to get blue balls."
"I like being a girl, we have many ways to be pleased."
"TSSST." I hissed at him kissing him and shoving him out the door.

"PREMIERE IS OVER!" Jack screamed, walking dangerously close to the edge of the music box's roof. I nudged Tessa and motioned at her boyfriend, and watched as she shrieked, and grabbed Jack, a worried expression on her face. I smiled as an arm wrapped around my waist, and I stared at my boyfriend, "You look good baby,"
He blushed lightly, and kissing my forhead, "Thanks, but nothing, and nobody compares to you right now."
I shushed him, and buried my face in the crook of his neck, "Thank you."
"So, I think Tessa and Jack are like and old married couple." Alex stated, starring at his best friend; his arms were around Tessa, and hers around his neck holding him close, but they occasionally glared at each other, and then kissed. I glanced around the small party area, and saw Jessi and Zack, the old HS sweet hearts. "I'm glad you flew Jess out for Zacky, he seemed like he missed her."
Alex nodded, and stared at the bassist, who was smiling widely, as he and Jessi talked.
"Yeah, and I'm glad his bedroom is on the first floor of the house." he cringed, and I rolled my eyes, "Perv."
"I don't want to hear anything!"
"HEY!" he glared at me, before smiling and kissing my lightly, "I love you?"
"I love you too?" I chuckled.
"Okay." I kissed him gently.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you all for commenting keep it up!
So this chapter was just for fun, and i hope you guys like it, drama starts the chapter after next :]
Comment comment comment. . . an please check out my other Alex Story, it will be getting started soon!
Bring on the Day