Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Listen to Your Heart

Chapter 32

Groaning, I push my face into Alex's chest, as Kara, and Tess's voice rings in my ears.
I hear a short chuckle escape Alex's throat, while I groan, and look at my friends, who stare back with wide grins. "Morning, and thank you?" I smile, trying to sit up, but struggling to get my pillows properly set up. "So, are you excited, to finally drink...legally", Tess teased as Alex rolled over and buried his face in my oversized tshirt covered stomach. "Surprisingly, not really. I just want to take it slow, y'know?" I laughed, "I sound retarded don't I?" Kara laughed loudly, "A little, but its okay."
I watched tiredly as the two of them left the room, and glanced at the alarm clock, and groaned when I saw it read 7am. "Too early?" Alex chuckled, before dragging me down so I was laying down again. "A little, let's just sleep," I sighed, ready to close my eyes, but the eager boyfriend stopped me. "But, then I can't give you you're present." he whined, causing me to glance up at him. "No, later is okay," I chuckled, rolling on him and laying back down, ready to sleep more. "Hadley" he whined once more, his voice more insisting. Sighing, I opened my eyes, and stared down into his deep, thoughtful brown ones. "Alex, you know, not to get me anything," "Were, in different circumstances Hade."
Blushing I nodded, and rolled off of him, as he sprinted towards the walk in closet, sitting up I stare confused, as I hear loud rummaging in the closet, before I hear something fall, and Alex cursing.
"Babe? are you okay?" I asked hesitantly, ignoring the urge to go to the closet and see how he was. "Don't you dare get off of that bed, Hadley-Marie!" Alex yelled at me, hearing the bed squeak, and whine as I moved. "Alex, c'mon, this is unnecessary!"
I whined, and pouted as we walked out of the closet, his arms behind his back and a large smile on his face. "I have two gifts for you-"
"Alexander William Gaskarth!" I whined, throwing myself into the pillows.
"Hey, you deserve them!" he concluded, nudging for me to sit up.
"Okay, gift numba 1." I watched shaking my head as he pulled his gift from behind his back, and I smiled widely as I saw a familiar looking cd box. "This is the one from senior year, that I never got to give" you, because of what happened after Prom."
I smiled and gently kissed his lips, "Thank you Alex, you're the sweetest."
Alex blushed shyly, but quickly recovered, "Okay, so this one, I know what you're going to say, but I love you, so yeah, pretty self explanetory."
I watched as he stared at me intently, and handed me a small blue box, that read Tiffany's on the top. "Alex," I spoke in a warning voice, "What did you do?"
"Babe, just open it," he pleaded and came and took a seat on the bed behind me, while I leaned into his chest.
Untying the white ribbon on top of the box, I glanced at Alex, trying to hold in a smile as I watched him stare at the box eagerly, "Open it!!" he whined.
Chuckling as he wrapped his arms around me and laid his chin on my shoulder, I pulled the top of the box open and gasped, [url=]"Alex's it's beautiful!"[/url]
I felt Alex smile, "I'm glad you like it, but hey turn around."
Happy tears filled my eyes as Alex turned me around, so I straddled him.
I watched as I tugged on a small chain that was hidden under his shirt, and smiled when I saw a small heart shaped locket. "You have the key to my cheesy at is, its true."

"PAAAAAAAARTY!" Jack screams loudly, before he jumps into the pool, quickly followed by a almost drunk Alex. Cringing at the sight, as the two boys do belly flops, I quickly get over it, and make my way, beer in hand further into the house, where I slowly climb the stairs, and walk towards my bedroom, glad to be back in Maryland; Pushing it closed, I made my way towards the bed, smiling as I here Alex screaming and laughing.
For once, I wasn't in a partying mood, and I can legally drink, but a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach was telling me tonight wasn't the night to get hammered or anything. "Babe, what are you doing?"
I jump and scream as Alex's voice fills my ears, and topple over my bed and onto the floor. "Hade, are you okay?" Alex asks laughter filling his voice as he rushes over to my side, I nod and chuckle, but freeze as I don't see my speakers on my dresser. "Hey, man, where is my shit?" I asked him cockily, smiling and leaning on him. Alex rolled his eyes once, "They're on the roof, right outside you're window."
I stand up and pull him onto the bed, "Thanks for my party babe. It's pretty damn great."
Alex smiles shyly and leans down, gently placing a kiss on my lips, as I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. We jump apart however as we hear squeals from the hallway; glancing over Alex I chuckle as a half naked Jack and Tess race passed our room, Tessa squealing and giggling on his shoulder.
"Is Jack Still a virgin?" Alex jokes laughing as the bedroom door down the hall slams loudly. Laughing I shake my head, "No, most definetly not." Alex laughs again, "How the hell do you know, he won't even tell me!"
Oh shit
I freeze at his words, knowing that I am now in a really big hole, and I can't get myself out. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I avoid his gaze, but watch him quickly sober up. "H-How do you know, Hadey?"
Giving him my answer with my eyes, he lets go of my hand. "Holy, fucking, shit!"
I watch as he jumps off of me, and bumps into my dresser, making it hit the wall, and some object fall to the floor.
"Alex, it was along time-"
"Alex, please, listen to me-" I begged grabbing his arm.
"What is going on?"
Turning towards the door, I groan, this can't get any better. Jack and Tess stand in the door way glancing at us nervously; Jack meets my gaze as he pulls on his shirt, but freezes as he stares between Alex and I; realization hits him.
"You guys fucked?" Alex hisses from across the room; I bite my lip as tears flow down my cheeks, and stare at Tess who has suddenly gone pale, her eyes flashing with anger.
"Bro, it was a long time ago-" Jack starts, but Tess and Alex cut him off.
"So it's true?!"
"We were both hurting," I sob, collapsing into a sitting position on my bed, "Alex, you didn't know how I felt, a-and you were with Noel, my heart was broken-"
"So you fucked my bestfriend? Hade, I loved you back then!"
"YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING!" I screamed at him, "All you did was push me away!"
Alex shook his head, and leaned against the wall, in anger.
I glance at Tess and Jack, Tess glarring at me from under Jack's arm, "Babe, listen to me. It was in High School-"
"I liked you!" Tess hissed. Jack groaned in frustration, "I did too! And then you went on a fucking date with Chris! What the hell was I supposed to do?"
"I don't know Jack," Tess shouted, "You shouldn't have done that!" she yells pointing at me.
"Tess, we were both hurting-"
"You both are fucking ridiculous," Alex yells suddenly, Glaring at me from the side of the room, "I don't care right now, No; I do. I don't want to think about it, and I don't want to deal with either of you."
"Alex, please-"
"Back off Hadley; you royally fucked everything up, literally too."
I stare in shock as he leaves my room, before slamming the door behind him.
I glance back at Tessa who won't look at me, "Tess, Tessa. Please, it was a long time ago, and we were both their for each other, while the people we cared about were out with others."
"SO?!" she shrieked, pushing Jack off of her.
"Tessa; we didn't want to hurt you guys intentionally; but think about it, who was hurt in the first place?"
Tess finally met my gaze, and shook her head once, before she nodded slowy, "I understand it, I think. But I fucking need to get used to it."
Jack and I watch as Tess leaves, from downstairs we hear Alex screaming his heart out drunkily. "I knew this was going to come and bite us in the ass." I groaned and flopped back on the bed, tears streaming down my face. Jack groans and grips his hair before standing up, "I'm going go, okay?"
I nod and curl up at the top of my bed, and pull my blankets over me as I hear Jack close my door.
I finally get him, and something has to ruin it.
Happy Fucking Birthday Hadley-Marie.
♠ ♠ ♠
yup, told you guys it would come and bit them in the butt; and good job for those of you who guessed it!
So thank you for meeting my comment request!!!!