Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes


Chapter 33

"How do I know you're not fucking him now?"
I glanced up at Alex, trying my hardest to ignore the sounds of the screaming fans that were only a few feet away. I stared, trying my hardest to make the pain in my eyes dissapear, "Because I'm with you now. . . . Are we even together anymore?"
Alex shook his head, and glanced up, his hands moving blindly on his guitar, "I don't know Hadley, I really don't know."

"How the Fuck are doing Baltimore!?" Alex screamed into the mic as Tess, and I stood to the side; and I sobbed softly as he put on the face/i], the mask.
I felt tears well up in my eyes faster, as Noel began playing out of the speakers. Jack was glarring at Alex, as he sadly had to go along with the intro. Tess gripped my arm kindly, trying to force me to look at her. I shook my head, as I gripped the necklace he had given me, no matter that during the fights I had kept it on. Alex stared at me intently as he sang, a smirk adorning his hurt, and angry face. As the warm tears fell down my face, I grasped the necklace and gently tugged it off, the silver chain ripping lightly. Alex's eyes went wide; shaking my head, I walked towards where his open guitar case was, and placed the necklace in it, leaving half of my heart in it for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
yup :[
the next chapter is huge!
I know some of you think Alex's attitude is dramatic, but it's part of the story, and luckily he's not like that in real life
so since I think you guys are amazing, you get two updates :]