Status: Ended it the way it Started. . . . . . . . . Check out my new Alex Gaskarth Story: 'Bring on the Day'

The Mixed Tapes

Party in Your Bedroom

Chapter 38

Sitting up rapidly as I heard something, or rather someone fall upstairs, I glanced towards the stairs, where Tessa was frozen, fear in her eyes, as the bathroom door flew open. I watched curiously, as she and Alex ran passed each other, Alex speeding towards me, and Tessa speeding towards the bathroom. "HADLEY MARIE!"
I stare at him confused as he jumps over the top of the couch, and lands messily by my feet. "Alex Gaskarth." I said questioningly with the same tone, while he continues to grin at me. "Why didn't you tell me, miss lady!" he pouts before getting on his knees and laying his arms and head on my legs. "Tell you what?" I ask confused, as I hear a door slam from upstairs, and then Tessa's voice, "ALEX!"
"I'm bizeh!" he yells back contently, "Were you going to surprise me?"
I'm starring at my boyfriend in utter confusion, while he stares back with bright eyes, and a wide smile.
"Alex, I honestly have no idea-" I started only to get interrupted by a tall lanky boy.
"Hey guys, what are you-? Alex are you proposing?!" Jack screams with wide eyes, and a smile.
"NO," Alex groaned, and I stared at him confused, as he turned back to me a still smiling. "Alex what the hell-?"
"Shhh Shhh," Alex shushes me still grinning madly, "When were you going to tell me you were pregnant-?
"EXCUSE ME!?" I scream at him, standing up, and watching as he falls on his back. I glance at Jack who was starring at us with a disgusted, and shocked face; while Alex was starring up at me confused, "Alex, babe, I'm not pregnant-"
"Yes you are," he stated, "Their was a box in the bathroom upstairs, and I got curious, seeing as we did have sex-"
I glanced around as our roommates filled the living room;
"Alex, did you touch it?" I groaned grossed out. Alex scoffed, "I'm not an idiot; I moved it with my foot, I would never touch a pee stick with my hands, that's nast-"
"What did it say on it!?" we girls screamed at him.
He jumped surprised, "It had a pink plus, so you're either having a girl or you're-"
"Who's pregnant in this house!?" Rian groaned, while Kara, Jess, and I stared between each other nervously.
"Did none of us honestly use protection?" Zack groaned, as Alex, Rian and Jack chuckled, but they quickly stopped, when they received glares from their significant others.
"It's not me," Kara stated, arms crossed. While Jess and I nodded, while glaring at our idiotic boyfriends. "Okay, Okay, fine then who-?" Jack started, but we all froze, and watched as his brain finally started working; we watched nervously as the color faded from Jack's face, and he stared back. "Oh."
"TESSA?!" Kara and I screamed as we stormed up the stairs.
"TESSA?! TESSA!? TESS-AH" Jack was screaming behind us; I watched Jess shove him into my bedroom before we hurried into Jack's room, where we quickly locked the door.
"Hey," Tess sighed, from her perch in the corner of the room, where her eyes were bright red, her nose as wel.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked her sitting on the bed, as Jack began screaming outside the bedroom door, and the other guys could be heard too.
"I wanted to be sure," she spoke quietly, "And I went to the doctor, and,-"
I watched broken as her voice trembled, and fresh tears filled her eyes, "I'm one month."
"Aww sweaty that's great!" Jess gushed softly.
"yeah, sure. But I don't know what Jack's going to think, or anything." she sobbed.
"LET ME IN THIS ROOM, NOW!" Jack groaned as he lamely whimpered and pawed at the door, "I want to know if the girl I love to death is really going to have my baby."
I gave Tessa a knowing look, as she started smiling, "Babe, he's happy; he's going to spoil your kid rotten."
I smiled from my post on my bed as I heard Tess and Jack talking baby names, colors for the extra room, and ect. I smiled as Alex walked into the room his face bright red, and his hands out infront of him, where he played embarassed with his fingers. "Alex," I laughed, "Are you okay?"
He collapsed on the bed and cuddled into my chest, where he gently planted a kiss on my exposed boob, "Sure."
"Yeah I mean. If it was your test, I would've been extatic, like really excited and happy," he spoke shyly, and once he was done, he cuddled into my neck and kissed it.
A smile was pulling on my lips at his words, and I laughed, before rolling over so I was straddling his waist. "Why are you laughing?" he groaned throwing an arm over his eyes, blushing.
"I want kids," I stated smiling, "I want to have your baby,"
Alex pulled his arm away quickly, and grinned, "Really? Because I want you to have my baby."
I leaned down and took his face in my hands and kissed him gently, "Well, I want to be married, before, because yeah."
"Yeah, that's expected," Alex sighed kissing me, and talking between pecks, "But I really want you to have my kids."
I chuckled as he gripped my thighs and rolled over slightly towards his dresser where he opened the drawer and and pulled out a small box, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.
"You want to get married. I want to get married. We both want to have kids." he stated rolling back over and gazing up at him as I continued sitting on him, "But, were still young, and I want to start our lives in our own house-"
His words were quickly silenced, as I pressed my lips to his and took his face in mine.
"I love you," I gushed covering his face in messy kisses.
Alex laughed and smiled, his face a bright red, "I haven't even given you you're ring."
I shook my head, "Their doesn't need to be a ring on my finger for everyone, and myself to know that I love you, and I'm with you."
Alex smiled and kissed me gently, Sitting back on his lap, I watched as he opened the box between us, an pulled out the ring that I recognized to be his mother's.
"Alex," I gushed as he slipped it on my finger, and brought my hand to his lips, where he gently kissed it. "Hadley?" he questioned in the same tone, causing me to smile.
"You're unbelievable,"
♠ ♠ ♠
one more chapter, AKA the Epilogue
so please comment comment comment, i let it slide, but now you guys really to comment!