Status: i am going to post a few chapters of this complete the others and then get right back on this one i swear.:)

When It Raenes

October 31st 1996

She was a butterfly. Her wings may have been made of plastic but she still believed she was one. Colors of purple and pink. Covering her small body as I helped her waddle towards my mother who was holding the camera. I plastered a fake smile on my face acting like everything was perfectly normal. My baby was everything to me. I didn’t need anything else. She was all that mattered, that stupid prawn was just a figment of my imagination. I just pretended like I had never met him. He was just a bad dream I needed to forget and erase. She was my good dream. The one that helped me block out the terrifying nightmare of reality. Even though I knew my heart was shattering in my chest…I told myself, I don’t need him, I don’t need him, I don’t need him…
Raene Archibald hates arrogant people. But does that make her a hypocrite considering she’s a bit arrogant herself? Coming from a German family, she is bound to be interesting. But sometimes interesting can take on a new turn.
-Author’s Note-I apologize for any grammar mistakes or if the German/French to English translations are not exactly correct. Thanks for reading.:) I really appreciate whoever reads any of my stories. However it would be rather awkward if I had no reviews after posting this. HAHA. Lots of love.
  1. Chapter One
    Life Introduction.