The Story

That's Taking Me To Places That I Didn't Want To Go...

2 Years Later

"Mom, it's been a while since I saw Bailey and you know how me and her...don't get along." I chuckled, itching the back of my neck as my mom smoked her cigarette and stared out at the blue Baltimore sky.

"Well, you two are both twenty one years old. You're just going to have to cooperate with her and her new fiance." My mom smiled to herself as I rolled my eyes.

"Have you even met this guy?" I sighed.

"No, but he sounds like a pretty alright boy." My mom spoke softly as I shook my head and leaned up against the porch banister.

"You might want to go inside and get everything ready. They're going to be here in a few minutes." She said as I rolled my eyes.

I went inside and headed towards the kitchen.

My sister and I haven't seen each other since we were fifteen years old. My dad took her out of state because she was a juvenile delinquent and I stayed here with my mom.

Bailey didn't make it at Dulaney so she went to catholic school in West Virginia where my dad parent's have an on and off relationship. They've been divorced and then they've gotten remarried. It's so hopeless.

I shook my head and started doing the dishes.

I certainly wasn't looking forward to meeting her new fiance. He's probably some buff Douche who is so arrogant about his looks and shit.

I hated guys like that.

My sister is so opposite of me.

She hates me and I sort of hate her. I don't understand what I did to her. I have always been nice to her.

I sighed and continued to scrub the dishes clean.

I shook my head to get my bangs out of my eyes.

I heard my sister's soft delicate yet edgy voice and my mother's laughter.

I rolled my eyes and stared down at the sparkly clean dish and put it on the rack with the others.

I then took out another dirty one and started washing it.

"Oh my gosh, Bells?!" My sister yelled out as I sighed.

Bells was my nickname she called me.

I turned around and put on a fake smile and then I couldn't believe who I saw standing in the doorway of my kitchen...

Alex Gaskarth.

My mouth parted slightly as he looked at me in shock and I dropped the plate right there as it shattered into tiny little pieces.

"Bella, that's my new china!" My mom shouted as I turned red faced and knelt down on the floor, picking up all the pieces as Alex watched me and Bailey giggled.

"I'll be in here, Alex. This is my sister Bella by the way."

I didn't even look up to meet his eyes. My heart was going crazy like a jack-in-the-box that I couldn't control or the butterflies in my stomach.

I swallowed hard to try and push the lump down my throat. Memories flooded through my head of him and I.

I looked up slowly to still see him standing there with a shocked look on his adorable face.

"Need some help?" He asked as I shook my head and threw some of the pieces into the waste can.

"No, thank you. I'm fine really." I cleared my throat and stood up off the floor as he continued to watch me with his chocolate brown eyes that I missed so dearly.

I froze in the middle of the kitchen floor as our eyes met for a long time.

I couldn't move one inch.

None of my family knew about Alex...I never told a soul.

"Hi." I said in a shaky voice as he forced a half smile and stuck his hands in his skinny jean pockets and rocked back and fourth on his heels.

"Hey." He said in that dreamy voice as I gulped and looked down at the floor and continued to pick up the pieces of the broken dish.

Then I saw his hand, helping me pick up the pieces. Our hands touched as I looked up at him into his brown eyes. Our faces were so close I could feel his warm breath brush up against my face.

His breath smelt like spearmint gum and I tried to hide my smile.

"How are you?" He asked as I swallowed hard and shrugged.

"I've been the same." I whispered, throwing more pieces into the waste can as he did the same.

Silence over came the kitchen and then I met eyes with him once again.

"How are you?" I cleared my throat as he licked his dry lips.

"I'm pretty good actually." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes and stood up off the floor.

"That's nice to hear." I said sarcastically, walking past him as he caught my wrist again and it felt like deja vu for me.

I turned back around to meet face to face with him.

"Don't walk away." He whispered, pulling me closer to him as I tried to struggle but then I gave up.

He cupped my face with his hands as I swallowed hard and my palms started to sweat.

He started to lean in.

"Bella!" My dad exclaimed as I pushed Alex away from me and turned around fast to meet my dad's face.

He looked like he was about to cry.

"I've missed you, sweetie!" He yelled, bringing me into a tight hug as I squeezed him back.

"I've missed you too." I chuckled.

"Have you met Alex?" He asked me as I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, he seems like a really good guy for Bailey." I said as my dad smiled and nodded.

"I thought so too." He smiled as I nodded towards Alex and walked out of the kitchen and to the living room where I saw my mom and Bailey talking on the couch.

"Hi, Bailey." I said, sitting down beside her on the couch as she forced a smile and then gave me a dirty look.

I swallowed hard and looked away from her.

"Oh, yeah! And Bella?" My mom said as I looked towards her.


"Alex has to share a room with you...I hope you don't mind?"

"Uh...No, not at all." I said in a nervous voice.

Oh, fuck. I'm screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so! I appreciate the feedback!
I love you guys!
Thanks for making me get up to 55 subs!
Please comment!
Love & Rockets, Faith (Faye) <3