Status: Still Writing =)

Adalie's Wings


So there I was left behind again. I was so sick of being left behind while they went on their adventures. They got to be perfect heroes while I was just the girl that was left behind. “We need you to stay here and keep an eye on everything,” is what Kaye always said. Yeah right. They used to take me with them, but ever since the night I accidentally got stabbed, they decided that I was too “fragile” to go with them. If anything, the almost dying part of my last adventure made me stronger.
My name is Adalie. I am one of the winged humans. My race is stronger and faster than humans. Nobody knows how our race started. One day some pregnant woman popped out a baby with little fluffy wings. Everyone in the village freaked out. The mother of the freaky, mutant baby loved him though, and she would not let anyone kill him. (I live in the village of Goma, and the residents can be very judgmental). Everyone treated him like he was a living disease. I bet they thought that if they touched him, they would grew wings too, which doesn’t really seem like a bad thing. So anyways Ferd (that was the freaky winged guy’s name) was tormented all throughout his childhood. Then one day a giant bear attacked Goma. All of the villagers were running around screaming their heads off. Ferd saw the bear kill his sister Layla and got really, really mad. So he grabbed one of his fathers swords and flew up to cut off its head. Then the town people loved him, and that’s how our race got its label of being heroes.
Seriously, that’s all we are allowed to be. We have to go out and kill creepy things to make the town people like us. Luckily I like killing creepy things, and I’m pretty good at it. At least I thought I was. I can sword fight like a pro, and I’m pretty good at ground combat too. Being able to fly is a pretty good advantage as well. I have long wavy blonde hair and good tan from training in the sun. My eyes are a simple brown and I’m pretty tall and thin. My wings are a bright orange.
My friend and partner in combat is Kaye. She’s simply gorgeous and I’ve always been jealous of her. She’s amazingly pale, although she spends all day, every day out in the sun. She has sky blue eyes and brilliant, flaming red hair. She very petite, yet deceivingly strong. Her wings are a purple so deep that they look black at times. Okay, I know what your thinking, wings are supposed to be white. Well, your wrong. My kind’s wings can be a variety of colors.
Another one of my team members is Tim. I love to annoy Tim. He has choppy black hair and ocean blue eyes. His wings are blankly white. (Yeah Yeah white wings). We found him lost in the woods when he was five. I was three, and we’ve been close ever since. Sometimes he dreams about the future. Its pretty creepy, but that’s how we usually discover when and where the monsters are going to attack.