Who Will

Who Will 10

"Hey," I greeted Nina as I waked into the school.

"Hey," she smiled, "where is Phoenix?"

"I don't know. He's probably not coming today."

"Why not?"

"It's too sunny," I blurted without thinking.

"Too sunny? We have a month left till the end of school, he can't just not show up."

"Too much sun makes him nauseous," I lied.

"That's odd, but i guess that explains all those other times he was gone from school" she sighed shrugging it off.

Ring- the 1st hour bell rang.

"I'll see you 3rd hour," she smiled before catching up with her other friends.

I almost blew everything but she trusts me enough to just listen to any lie I tell her. I shouldn't take advantage of that trust, it makes me feel bad. Maybe it's about time I tell her some things before everything is out of hand. I dated Slade for a long time and told him almost nothing but with Phoenix it only took me like a week to feel like I could trust him and now after only two months, Nina's breaking down the wall I once had up. You know, I liked my wall but it starting to disappear.

"Today in class we are watching a video," a sub announced in 3rd hour.

"Ugh," Nina whined, "I hate watching videos.

"I know," I said in a baby voice as I rubbed her back. "I think you will make it though."

"Ya, ya," she said shrugging off my hallow comforting.

"It will be fine," I assured her, not knowing it a load of crap.

Within ten minutes of the movie starting, I was asleep. My sleep seemed to be fill with thoughts of Phoenix. We were laying on his bed, naked, kissing. His lips were just as soft as the night we got together. He pulled away from my lips and attached his lips to my neck.he began sucking and licking my neck as he would grind into me.

"Mmhhm," I moaned as a mark began to form on my neck.

I felt his smiled on my neck before he stuck his tongue out and began to lick down my body. My body arched as his tongue went further and further down my body until he got to my hips. He began kissing my body lightly before grabbing hold of my cock. He was about to put me in his mouth when...

"Ouch," I whined as Nina poked me in the side.

"The bell rang, let go to lunch. I'm starving," she pleaded.

"Ok," I sighed getting up.

"Whoa," she laughed. "You might want to handle your personal problem before you come to lunch."

"What are you talking..." I froze as I saw my erection in my pants. "That ass-hole."



"So that's what you were dreaming about," she laughed. "I'm going to lunch, good luck with your... little friend."

"He's not little," I argued as she walked out. "That dick," I sighed walking into the bathroom and then dialing Phoenix's number.

"Hello?" he answered.

"You're not funny," I said stern.

"I'm sorry, what did i do."

"You put images of us doing 'stuff ' in my head while I was asleep in class and now I have a hard on."

"You do?" he chuckled.

"It's not funny. I told you not to use your powers on me."

"I didn't," he laughed, "You had those thoughts all on your own."

"Oh," I replied embarrassed. "I'm just going to hang up and die now."

"You don't have to be embarrassed about have thoughts about me like that. I have thoughts like that about you all of the time. I even masturbate thinking about you."

"Don't say things like that," I yelled.

"Why not?"

"Because I need to get rid of my boner, not make it worse," I replied turning red from further embarrassment.

"Well what do you want me to do, have phone sex with you?" he chuckled.

"Will you?" I asked.


"Unless you just want to put thoughts of something sick to kill the boner in my head?"

"No, phone sex is funner," he smiled.

"Ok start," I demanded as I pulled my pants off.

"Where did you dream leave off?"

"Umm," I blushed as I remembered. "Just start."

"Tell me," he demanded.

"You were about to suck me off."

"Ok," he replied. "Close your eyes."

"Ok," I smiled closing my eyes and grabbing my dick with my free hand.

"My mouth is around your dick," he said in a sexy voice, "Can you feel me bobbing my head slowly?"

"Ya," I maned as I began stroking my dick.

"I'm bobbing even faster. I'm slowly moving my hands along your legs."

"Ya," I shuddered in pleasure.

"I'm holding your butt as you begin thrusting yourself into my mouth."

"Ahh, I'm gunna cum," I moaned,

"You're thrusting even faster now. You can feel the friction of my lips on your dick sending pleasure through your body."

"Mmhhm," I moaned as I cam on my hand.

"Did you cum?"

"Ya," I replied out of breath, "Thanks."

"I hope next time we can do it in person," Phoenix replied in a sexy voice.

"Keep hoping," I teased before hanging up the phone.

"You missed lunch," Nina informed me when I saw her in the hall.

"I well," I smiled.

" You just...eww, Ta'avi. In the bathroom."

"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to walk around with a boner," I whispered so no one would hear.

"At least you weren't on the phone with me this time."

"Let it go," I demanded, "I tried to let you go but you wouldn't let me hang up."

"Yeah whatever, just go to class," she chuckled pushing me in the direction of my class.

My fourth hour was poring physics and my fifth hour was math. I'm good at math though, so my attention drifted from class to phoenix and Nina. I was thinking of phoenix because... well because he is flipping dead sexy and MY boyfriend. I'm thinking more of Nina though. I'm thinking of if I'm going to tell her about my family than. She seems to care a lot for me and I care for her, so I think it's only fair that I tell her about everything.

"I'm going to tell Nina," I informed Phoenix as I walked into his apartment.


"Everything, my dads, his family, Jacob and his family, everything."

"Are you going to tell her about me?"

"No, its for you to tell her. I would never tell anyone that you didn't trust about you," I smile kissing him.

"If you trust her than so do I," he smiled holding me close.

"You are very important to me, you know that right?" I smiled.

"As long as you know how much you mean to me," he smiled hugging me. I looked up at him and we made eye contact before kissing.

"Io amore voi," he whispered into my ear.

"What does that mean?"

"Its Italian and I want you to look up the meaning the day before graduation and then give me your response the day of graduation, ok?"

"Ok," I smiled at his weirdness. "Do you want to meet my family?"

"Really?" he smiled.

"Yeah," I smiled grabbing his hand and pulling him out of his apartment and out to my car. When we drove it was often silent but it was the kind of silence that you can only have with that one special person. It was like we didn't have to talk because as long as we had one another around we were content.

"Whats going on," I asked myself as I notice a car in the driveway. "Come on," I smiled grabbing Phoenix's hand and walking up to my house. We walked into the house and my jaw dropped as my hand fell from Phoenix's grip.
