Who Will

Who Will 11

"Hey," Slade smiled coming over to hug me.

"Not that this isn't..." I was trying to think of the word to describe this situation.

"Great," Slade smiled.

"No, I was thinking awkward," I saw his smile fade a bit. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to visit so your dad told my grandparents where you were living and... here I am," he shouted the last part with excitement.

"Here you are," I repeated but with awkwardness in my voice. "Which one of them told your grandparents?"

"Jacob," Slade informed me.

"I'll be right back," I said to Slade and Phoenix, who looked a bit lost in all of this. "Jake," I yelled running up the steps.

"Why are you up here, Slade is downstairs," he smiled.

"I know.Why is he here?"

"So that you can see him, he wanted to see you."


"You have been so distant lately. I thought it was because you still missed him."

"Dad that's not why," I scoffed at the idea.

"Then tell me why," he pleaded for information.

"I would but I have to go introduce Slade to are VAMPIRE family. Oh yeah did you forget about that little detail?"

"No, I didn't forget. You don't have to tell him about us."

"That's true, I didn't when we were dating so why should I now," i smiled sarcastically before going back to Slade and Phoenix. "H-hey guys," I stuttered as I entered the room.

"Hey," Slade smiled.

"Whats going on?" Phoenix asked looking beyond confused.

"Phoenix this is my ex, Slade. Slade this is my..." I looked at Phoenix, "this is my boyfriend, Phoenix," I smiled holding onto Phoenix's hand.

"We can have dinner another time," Phoenix smiled kissing me. "I'll just go back to my place."

"Well then I need to give you a ride," i smiled. "Do you want to come Slade."

"Ya sure," he smiled and we were about to walk out of the door when he stopped. "On second though, I don't really want to be in... a car right now," he said looking frightened.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just go without me," he gave me a half smiled. I brushed it off and Phoenix and I got into my car.

"So why did he decide not to come?" I knew Phoenix was up to something.

"I have no clue."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing," he tried but I could tell he was lying.

"Phoenix," I yelled.

"I may have, may have put the image in his head that we would get in a car accident if he came along."

"Why the hell would you do that to an innocent human?"

"He is not innocent," Phoenix," yelled as I pulled up to his apartment building.


"He is going to try and take you form me."

"If your so concerned then why did you decide to come back to your place?"

"Because I trust you not to do anything with him."

"And if I do?" I wondered out loud.

"I will kill him," Phoenix said with no emotion.

"I wont do anything, I promise,"

"I trust you," he smiled kissing me.

"And if he tries something with me I will only tell you if you promise not to harm him."

"I promise," he smiled getting out of my car. I think he was lying about that.

"Fuck," sighed slamming my head into my steering wheel.

I would have rather staid at his place than go back home to Slade. I drove home trying to figure out what I'm going to do about him. I though I made the biggest decision I have in a long time by dating Phoenix and telling him all about my family, even though his dad is Aro. I have even decided to tell Nina about my family but now Slade has to come in and make my life confusing again. Fuck him, I don't want him here messing up my life.

"Hey," Slade smiled getting off the sofa as I came in.


"Come sit, we have to catch up," he smiled pulling me over to the sofa.

"Why are you here?"

"I missed you silly," he replied putting his hand on my knee.

"Well I missed you too for a while," I replied moving my knee. "But I honestly didn't think we were going to see each other again."

"Nor did I," he smiled. "So is that guy the only one you have been with."

"His name is Phoenix and yes. How many have you been with?"

"A few, but none of them meant anything to me."

"They never mean anything to you."

"You did," he smiled getting closer to me.

"Oh , wow," I said nervously as I got up from the sofa. "How about I show you around?"

"Ok," he smiled getting up and following me.

"Well this is obviously the living room," I said about the room and then went to more rooms showing him around. Nothing was too impressive but it kept him from getting to close to me.

"Hey Ta'avi," Carlise smiled as we walked into the kitchen, where everyone else was sitting round the island talking.

"Hey,' I smiled seeing their eyes telling me they were probably talking about going hunting soon."This is Slade."

"Hi," Slade waved.

"Hi I'm Alice," Alice said giddy. "This is my love Jasper."

"Hey," Jasper said and then the two of them went outside to wait for the others.

"This is my grandfather Carlise and his wife Esme," I introduced them and they both said hello with smiles before joining Alice and Jasper.

"Hey, I'm Emmett, this is Rosalie," he smiled and Rosalie just walked out with the others.

"Where are they going?"

The woods," I blurted out. "They like to umm..."


"Yes, come on let me show you the rest of the house," I smiled trying to change the topic. We went around the upstairs and then we were about to go back down stairs when he stopped me.

"You know what room you didn't show me?"

"What room?"

"Your room, and I'm dying to see it," he smiled.

"Oh, it's really nothing, its just a bed and four walls," I tried getting rid of the idea.

"Just show me," he demanded.

"Ok," I replied and walked over to my bedroom door. I opened it and we both went in.

"You still have this?" Slade asked, seeing the picture of us still hanging up.

"I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. I don't want to throw away happy memories."

"We were happy most of the time, huh?"

"Ya," I sighed thinking about it.

"I miss us," Slade smiled coming over to me.

"Well now we can be friends," I said backing away from him.

"I think we both want a little more than friendship," he replied by pushing me to onto my bed and getting on top of me.

"Slade I cant do thi..." I was cut off by his lips.