Who Will

Who Will 12

"Get off," I sighed pushing Slade of of me.

"Come on," he smiled placing a soft hand on my face.

"I can't.." How could I forget his gentle touch. "No," I yelled backing away from him. "I can't do this."

"Why, because of your stupid boyfriend?"

"Yes,"I stated matter-of-factly. "And he is not stupid."

"Ta'avi," he smiled walking over to us. "How can you just let what we had go."

"Because what I though we had is different than what we actually had. I loved you and was willing to spend the rest of my life with you but you just wanted a good time."

"But now I want to be with you."

"Now is to late," I argued.

"I realized how much you mean to me," he pleaded as he pushed his body against mine. "I want to grow old with you, can you really see yourself growing old with Phoenix?"

"No," I sighed in defeat. "Their is no way him and I can grow old together. He will never get any older," I said to myself.

"Oh, he's that immature?"

"Yeah, Immature," I lied through my teeth.

"If you can't see yourself growing old with him then why are you with him?"

"Because," I sighed thinking about Phoenix. "He is good to me," I smiled.

"Let me show you how good I can be to you," he smiled rubbing my groin.

"Ahh," I maned involuntarily.

"We can work this out," he smiled before attaching his lips to my neck. "What the hell is this?" he yelled finding a mark on my neck.

"nothing," I sighed pushing him away.

"Come here," he smiled sweetly, "I'll give you a new mark."

"You know what else I like about Phoenix," I smiled.

"What?" he mumbled, still attached to my neck.

"He wants me for more than just sex," I yelled pushing him onto my bed.

"So do I," he yelled. "I love you."

"You ass-hole," I yelled pushing him.

"Fuck you," he yelled getting off of my bed and slapping me in the face causing my lip to bleed.

"Don't throw around that word just to get me in my pants. When I said I loved you it came from my heart, it wasn't hallow words," I yelled. " I wont listen to your crap because I don't love you anymore."

"No," he yelled grabbing my arm and throwing me against the wall. "You still love me."

"Ha," I laughed, "You're an idiot," I yelled and he punched me before he went to walk out of my room. "You're right about one thing thought," I yelled at him.

"Whats that."

"Phoenix and I are too different to last, I'm going to have to change."

"With me," he smiled.

"Oh god no," I laughed. "You're fucking crazy. Will you do something for me though?"


"Get the hell out of my house and never talk to me again."

"Go to hell," he yelled before leaving my room.I had never thought the slamming of the front door could sound so good.

"What's going on," Jake asked as he and Edward came in my room.

"What happened?" Edward rushed over to me. "You're bleeding," he said more to himself and Jake than me. His eyes began to get red and he started to back away from me."Help him clean up baby, I need to step out," Edward sighed kissing Jake and walking out of my room.

"it's just a nose bleed," I sighed. "And my lip."

"You know it doesn't matter how much blood it is, it could set him off," Jake smiled as he wiped the blood away with a tissue. "Why are you all beat up?"

"Because Slade is a horrible, screwed up person," I sighed.

"He did this," Jake Yelled starting to get angry.

"Calm down dad," I said a bit frightened. "You could transform, please stop,"I begged but he was still heated.

I forced myself off the floor and pulled him out of my room. Edward was nowhere to be seen do i pulled him outside as he continued to let his anger get out of control. He could usually handle his emotions but I guess he didn't like what Slade did.

"Dad, calm down. He is gone its ok," I pleaded once more. I smiled once his breathing started going back to normal.

"I'm sorry I let him over here," he sighed hugging me once he completely calmed down.

"It's not your fault, he did this," I hugged back. "You know how you can make it up to me?"

"Ummm, how?" he asked sounding concerned as to what I was going to ask.

"Let two of my friends come over and meet everyone?"

"Fine," he smiled, "Edward and I will get everything ready and you can call them over."

"Ok," I smiled running into the house to get my phone and call Nina.

"Hello?" Nina answered.

"What are you doing tonight"

"Well its Friday, I was going to go to a party."

"Or you could come over and meet my family."

"I would love to," she said pepped up

"Ok," come over in and hour, Phoenix will be here too," I informed her before hanging up.

"I'll be back," I yelled grabbing my keys. "I'm going to get Phoenix," I informed whoever was listening as I walked out of the house.

"What the hell happened,"Phoenix asked angry as I walked into his apartment.

"Nothing," I sighed, "I handled it."

"If I had been their you wouldn't have gotten hurt," he sighed hugging me. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," I smiled looking into his eyes before he pulled me into a kiss. "Do you still want to meet my family?"

"If you still want me to," He smiled looking hopeful.

"Of course I do," I smiled giving him a peck. "Nina will be their too, I'm telling my family were dating and I'm telling Nina about my family," I smiled holding his hand as we walked out to my car. This was either going to go really well or really bad.

"Sounds like were going to have an eventful night, " Phoenix smirked.