Who Will

Who Will 14

"Get up," Edward said softly as he woke me. "It's your last day of school."

"Finally," I sighed as I rolled over on my stomach. "It's my last day, let me be late."

"Not happening," he laughed pushing me off my bed.

"Ow," I landed with a thud.

"Haha," Edward burst out laughing.

"It's not funny," I chuckled getting up.

"You didn't see your face when you fell," he laughed.

"Shut up," I giggled as I threw my pillow at him but he caught it.

"Get dressed," he demanded throwing the pillow back to me.

"Then get out so I can change," I demanded and he did as I said.

I wasn't really trying to impress anyone so I just pulled on a graphic tee, some jeans, and canvas sneakers. My casual and usually outfit. Once I was dressed I went down to eat breakfast to see everyone at the table. Something must be wrong because they don't usually all sit with me when I eat breakfast.

"Whats going on?" I asked with worry in my voice.

"Nothing," Alice smiled prancing over to me. "We just wanted to see you off to your last day of school," she informed me as she pulled me over to a chair.

"I can't eat with all of you looking at me, I'm just going to leave," I smiled getting up from my seat.

"Have a good last day," Edward smiled kissing me on the forehead.

"Try not to get in trouble on the last day," Jake smiled hugging me before I walked out of the door.

"Come on," I yelled at phoenix as he walked out of his house slowly.

"It's too sunny, someones going to notice."

"I don't care, you cant miss the last day," I pouted.

"Ya, ya," he said opening my car door and getting in. "Hey," he smiled leaning over to kiss me.

"That's my kind of hello," I smiled putting my car in drive.

"What if someone sees my skin?"

"Just don't sit by any windows and if you get too worried then you can go home," I smiled holding his hand with one hand and steering with the other.

"If you're their then I will stay," he smiled kissing the back of my hand.

"Why are you so amazing?" I asked parking my car and getting out.

"I just am," he smiled leaning over the hood of my car and kissing me. "See you 4th hour," he smiled putting the hood up on his sweatshirt so his skin wouldn't glimmer as much.

"You better," I smiled before walking away.

"Hey," Nina smiled as she caught me on the way to 1st hour."Last day," she gleamed bouncing around.

"I know," I smiled bouncing along with her for a few seconds.

"Hey Nina, come sign my year book," some girl yelled.

"Just a minute," she yelled back. "See you later," she smiled before running over to the girl that yelled at her.

You know when its the last day of school before summer break and it feels like the classes go on super slow. well it fells like its going a million miles a second on the day before you graduate. the day flew by and before I knew it the final bell rang, I'm a high school graduate. I never have to go back to that stupid place and sit in stupid classes and learn things I don't care about.

"Hey Ta'avi," Phoenix came over and pulled me close.

"Hey," I smiled kissing him. "How does it feel?"

"Hard," he smiled grinding into me.

"I meant to be graduated, you perv," I laughed pushing him away but he pulled me back in close to him.

"It feels almost as great as being with you," he smiled kissing me.

"You're full of sweet words today," I laughed walking out to my car with him following.

"I only want to speak sweet words to you," he smiled getting in my car.

"Why do you want to speak sweet words to me?" I smiled as if I was challenging him to give me a good answer.

"Because you deserve them," he smiled grabbing my free hand. "And I want to make sure you don't stop liking me."

"Words are not what make me like you," I smiled glancing at him. 'It's just you. Besides, I already knew you weren't sweet when we stated dating," I joked.

"You're the best thing in my life," he smiled as I parked in front of his apartment building. "io amore voi," he whispered in my ear as he held me close.


"Don't forget to look it up," he smiled kissing me."I'll talk to you tomorrow at graduation."

"Why can't we talk before that?" I pouted.

"Because I want you to look up this word and then I don't want your response until graduation, ok?"

"Ok," I sighed giving him one more kiss before he got out of my car and I drove away.

"Hey," Edward smiled as I walked in the door. "How as you last..."

"Do you know what 'io amore voi' means?"

"Yeah," he smiled getting up and walking into the kitchen. "It means I love you, why?"

"What?" I shouted.

"Why do you ask?"

"Phoenix said that to me and told me to figure out what it means."

"Oh," Edward said a bit surprised.

"He wants my response tomorrow at graduation," I sighed flopping into a chair.

"And?" Edward asked sitting in the chair next to me.

"And," I yelled. "What the hell do I say to him?"

"Do you love him?"

"The last person I loved was Slade and look how that turned out."

"I didn't ask who the last person you loved it, I asked if you love him."

"I know but after Slade..."

"So he is just like Slade."

"No, how could you say that," I yelled. "He is everything I wanted Slade to be and more. He is perfect and I would be stupid not to love him."

"Well then are you stupid or not?" Edward smiled.

"I think... I think I love him too."

"Don't tell him you love him because you think you do. Tell him you love him because you know you do. Only tell him if you're 100% sure."

"Good thing I don't have to respond until tomorrow," I sighed putting my head down on the table.