Who Will

Who Will 15

"Hey Cullens," Nina yelled walking into my house.

"Nina," I yelled running down the stairs to hug her.

"Ready to graduate?" she asked pulling away from the hug.


"Ready to tell Phoenix you love him too?"

"No," I pouted as I flopped onto the couch.

"Ok, I think I know what you should do to make it easier."


"First," she smiled pulling me off the couch. "You suck it up and second you grow a pair of balls."

"I can't" I whined as I put my head on her shoulder.

"I know," she laughed. "He already said he loves you all you have to do is say it back," she smiled at me. "Unless you don't love him."

"No no no, I love him loads."

"Then just tell him," she smiled.

"Hey guys," Alice smiled coming down the stairs.

"Hey," Nina and I greeted.

"Nina, you look great," Alice smiled.

"Thanks," Nina giggled twirling around in her dress.

"You might want to get ready though, Ta'avi," Alice suggested.

"I am ready," I informed her with a scoff.

"You're going to wear jeans with holes and then and a tee?" she asked.


"No your not," Edward said coming in the front door. "Jake said you have to look nice."

"I do look nice."

"No you don't," Edward, Alice, and Nina said in argument.

"Fine," I sighed and went back up to my room. Ugh," I whined looking through my closet to see only jeans and t-shirts.

"Whats wrong?" Esme asked walking in my room and sitting on my bed.

"A lot of things," I sighed sitting next to her.


"Phoenix loves me and he wants my response today, I don't have anything dressy to wear under my robe and I'm thinking about becoming a vampire.

"Well that is a lot," she smiled hugging me. "Lets start with the most easy thing. I'm sure Jasper has something nice you can wear."

"Ok," I smiled as she walked over to Jasper's room and then came back with a button up shirt, a tie, and dress pants.

"This will do," she smiled holding it up next to me. "Now about Phoenix..."

"Yeah," I sighed changing my pants. "I love him too I'm just really nervous. What if he changes his mind or takes it back."

"He wont," she assured me. "He wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it right?"

"That's true," I sighed tucking in my shirt. "He never lies to me, or says things just to say them."

"He is also the reason that you want to become a vampire?"

"Not the only reason. I realized that I don't want to be older than my dads."

"Ya," she nodded in agreement.

"The thing holding me back is Nina though. she is like my best friend already and I don't want her to turn into an old lady as I stay the same age. Asking her to turn too is being selfish and asking way too much."

"That's true, it is," Esme said. "You have two of your problems solved, you look great," she smiled fixing my tie. "And your going to tell Phoenix you love him so just calm down and enjoy your graduation."

"Ok, thank you Esme," I smiled hugging her.

"Guys, lets go," Jake yelled up the steps.

"Go ahead, I need to get my heels," Esme smiled going into her room.

"Ok, so Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Esme, and i are riding in Emmett's jeep," Carlise said.

"Where is Rosalie?" I asked Emmett.

"I don't know," Emmett sighed. "We got in an argument and she left."

"Oh," I said in guilt for asking.

"Well everyone else will go in Edwards car. I called Rosalie and left her a message letting her know where were going, she will show up," Carlise assured us.

"Let's go," Alice and Nina yelled running out of the door and we all followed laughing at their excitement.

"Grr," I sighed sitting in my assigned seat.

I could see Phoenix and Nina from my seat. They bother were like two rows after me so I was bored out of my mind. The teachers and grade A students spoke making all the moms in the room cry but when I looked at me family I chuckled. Most of them are not even able to cry and Jake and Edward just looked as bored as I was. It should probably bother me that they looked so disinterested but so was I.

"Ta'avi Black," they announced as I walked onto the stage. I saw my dads and the rest of my family clapping but Rosalie was still missing.

"Phoenix Ghirlandaio," they announced ten minutes later.

"Nina Harrison," they called and she got on the stage with a huge smile on her face.

It took another half hour for the flipping thing to end and once it did I went on the search for Phoenix. A lot of people were all around and I could hardly walk without someone pushing me into someone else. I looked all around and didn't see anyone till I looked at the stage. Phoenix was sitting at the edge of the stage with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey," I ran over sitting next to him on the stage.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Soo, I have you response but I'm not sure if you'll like it," I sighed.

"Fuck," he swore. "Ok, just tell me," he said closing his eyes to prepare for the worst.

"I love you too," I smiled kissing him.

"What?" he asked pulling away.

"I said I love you too," I smiled pulling him back into the kiss.

"Ta'avi," Jake yelled pulling me off the stage.

"Whoa, doing something important," I yelled gesturing to Phoenix.

"Alice had a vision."

"About what?"

"Rosalie, James and his psycho gang had her."

"Did they hurt her?"

"In the vision they killed her," he sighed. "We need to go now," he yelled grabbing my hand as we ran out with Phoenix right behind us.