Who Will

Who Will 2

"Hey, I'm home," I yelled walking into the house. "Dad?" I called out, figuring one of them would respond as I looking for them.

"In here," Jake yelled from the kitchen.

"Where's dad?" I asked sitting down.

"He's out hunting with Alice and Jasper."

"Oh," I sighed. I always felt bad for the animals they killed but its better than humans."How do you guys live like this?"

"Like what?"

"Dads a vampire and your a werewolf. You guys stay the same age and your never going to die."

"It's great," he smiled.


"Edward was a vampire when I met him and we fell in love. I knew he wasn't going to get any older and I didn't want to die without him."

"So you had him bit you?"

"Yes," he smiled

"Didn't it hurt?"

"I'm guessing you don't want to change anytime soon," Jake chuckled.

"I don't want to change ever," I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. It's your life and we wont force it on you."

"Slade is human so I want to be too."

"I wish I could say you shouldn't make that decision because of a guy but..."

"But you did," I smiled finishing his sentence for him.

Slade was one of the most important people in my life and if I became a vampire it wouldn't be the same. I can't even tell him about my family, there is no way I could tell him if I was suddenly a vampire. How could he be with someone with a secret like that.

"I think I'm going to go do my homework," I sighed going up to my room where I stayed for the rest of the night. I know deep down they were hoping i would want to be a vampire too.

"Ta'avi, wake up," Edward whispered gently shaking me awake.

"No, let me sleep," I whined pulling my blanket over my head.

"Come on, its Friday. You have only been back at school for a week, get up," He chuckled.

"No, call me in sick," I pleaded.

"Fine, but then you wont be able to see Slade today.

"Why," I shouted.

"Because if I call you in sick, your staying home all day."

"Ok fine," I sighed getting up. "I'll go to school."

I got in the shower and then got dressed before Slade showed up to get me. Once he was here I got into his car and greeted him with a kiss like I did every morning. Everything in my life was so routine. I needed something exciting and new to happen. Nothing extreme just something, anything.

"You wanna come over and have sex," Slade asked me at my locker after school.

"Well that was a bit forward," I chuckled. "I did ask for excitement," I sighed to myself.

"So it that a no?" Slade questioned as we walked out to his car.

"Well it has been almost a year soo... sure why not," I smiled getting in.

I was nervous the whole way to his house. I haven't had sex with anyone before but I was glad my first time was with someone I loved so much. Slade was such a good guy and i know I waited for the right person. I hope this is his first time too, I don't want to be the only one nervous. I haven't told him I love him but I think today would be a good day to tell him.

"Mhh," Slade moaned as I sucked on his neck, him on top of me, us both naked.

"What are you doing," I asked as he began to kiss down my body. "Ooh," I moaned as he wrapped his mouth around my dick. "Faster," I pleaded and he listened, bobbing his head faster. "Oh god," I moaned arching my back.

"Spread your legs," he demanded taking his mouth away from my cock.

"Ok," I responded, spreading my legs as I watched him put on a condom. "Is this going to hur..."

"Shhh," he smiled putting his finger on my lips. "Don't ruin this with talking," he smiled kissing me. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ahhhh," I screamed in pain as all of him entered me. "Slow down," I demanded in pain.

"Ok," he smiled kissing me and slowly pulling in and out getting me use to the feeling.

"O...ok," I moaned starting to feel more pleasure than pain.

"I'm going to go faster," he whispered in my ear and I nodded ok.

"Fuck," I yelled as he began ramming into me, causing my back to arch.

I wrapped my arms around him, digging my fingers into his back. This was the best feeling ever. It felt so good I could cum just doing this. I grabbed onto his hair, pulling it a little as he thrusted into me.

"Harder," I moaned loud, enjoying the feeling of him inside me.

"I'm going to...I'm going to cum," he moaned thrusting me into his headboard.

"Me too," I moaned holding onto his headboard to keep from hitting my head. "Ahhh," I screamed in pleasure as we both came. "Wow," I smiled as he laid down next to me. "Was that good for your first time."

"That wasn't my first time," he smiled only to see the surprised look on mine. "Fuck, was it yours."

"yah, obviously" I smiled. "I wanted to wait to do it with someone I love."

"you love me?" He asked surprised,

"Yes," I kissed him. "I will love you for the rest of my life.

"Wow," he sighed getting off of his bed and pulling on his boxers."I think I should take you home."

"What? Why?"

"Till the day you die is a long time. Its all a bit to serious."

"You're right," I yelled getting off his bed, "It wasn't to serious when my dick was in your mouth, right?

"This was just suppose to be fun."

"So you never cared about me?" I asked trying to hold back how upset I was getting.

"I care about you, I just don't love you," He smiled.

"Don't smile at me. Why hell did you let me have sex with you?" I yelled.

"I though you wanted to," he sighed watching me pull my clothes on.

"Yeah when I thought you loved me," I stormed out of his room and then out of his house.