Who Will

Who Will 3

"Fuck," I shouted as I slammed the door and stormed into my house.

"Oh my god," Jacob got up from the sofa and ran over to me, "whats wrong."

"I don't want to talk about it," I cried as i hugged him.

"Ok," Jacob sighed, "I'm not going to force you to talk to me but I'm here anytime."

"Tanks," I gave him a faint smile and then went up to my room.

I could tell their was something on Jacob's mind but I just wanted to be depressed for a while. After just telling him yesterday that I wasn't going to be a vampire because of Slade and now not having him anymore.I turned up being depressed for the rest of the night, crying on and off. The only time I spoke to Edward and Jacob was when they came into their room to say goodnight.

that day of depression turned into a week. A week of going right to school and then coming right back into my room. i knew Jacob and Edward were worried but i couldn't force myself to get out of this slump, so they forced me themselves.

"Were moving," Edward sighed the next morning at breakfast.

"What," I asked in a scratchy voice because of all the crying i had been doing.

"People are starting to notice that we are not getting any older. We need to move," Jacob sighed holding Edwards hand from across the table.

"Where are we going?" I sighed.

"Canada," Edward smiled, "The rest of my family is moving there too so we will all live together."

"Wait, I am going to be a human in a house full of vampires and a werewolf?"

"Well," Edward started and I knew I wasn't going to like where it's going. "Have you given any more thought about becoming a vampire?"


"And," Jacob and Edward asked.

"Slade and I broke up," I sighed.

"So you're going to be a vamp..."

"I'm staying human," I replied cutting Edward off and watching their smiles fade. "I want to eventually die."

"Why," Edward scoffed as if it was a stupid thought, maybe it was.

"Because dad, Slade left me heart broken and in pain. I don't want to have to live with this feeling for the rest of forever, so the sooner I die, the sooner the pain goes away."

"Are you suicidal?" Jacob asked looking concerned.

"I'm not going to hang my self or anything but I do want to die," I sighed, "eventually.

"We cant make you be a vampire,"Jacob smiled.

"Well we could," Edward interrupted.

"Really," I raised my eyebrows.

"But I guess that were going to have to accept your decision," Edward sighed, kissed me on the head, and then walked out of my room.

"Were moving Monday so get packing," Jacob smiled before following dad out.

"That's in two days," I yelled as he went up the steps. That didn't matter to them though because two days latter all of the Cullens, my dads, and I were on the plane to Canada.

Are new house was great and pretty big but that didn't really brighten my mood. I felt a little better but that might be because Alice is like a high fairy, Jasper can settle her sometimes though. Today didn't really seem to be one of those times.

We spent all day settling stuff in but so many of us are living here that the only thing set up is are rooms.I get along with pretty much all of my family but I think they wish I would become a vampire. I admit it could make life easier because the constant smell of my blood must be hard for them.

Seeing my family so happy even though they are vampires made me consider I was making the wrong choice. I almost though I was until I realized something else they had, a husband or wife. Everyone was coupled up and honestly it was bring me down so I left the house to explore the forest in the back of our house.Were they happy being vampires of were they just happy because they had someone to love and someone to over them back.

I didn't realize how far into the forest I had walked till it was almost completely black. I was also almost completely lose, no I was completely lost. It was so dark i could hardly see my hand in front of my face. I figured it would be safest to try and find my way back.

"Fuck," I swore turning around to see someone in front of me. I thought they were harmless till I saw the red in their eyes. It was the same color all of the Cullens would turn when they were hungry or hunting.

"Ohh, shit," I swore backing up only to fall on my ass. "Back off," I yelled as the man came closer to me.