Who Will

Who Will 4

"What is such a weak," he smiled coming over to me and touching my face, "and attractive human doing here alone."

"Please ," I cried turning away form his cold touch. "Don't hurt me."

"And why would I do that?" he smirked.

"I know that your a... a vampire," I said looking at the ground.


"And judging by your eyes... your hunting."

"How do you know so much about vampires?"

"I just do," I replied a little less frightened but still worried.

"Well I was hunting," he yelled walking away from me.

"What happened?" I asked getting up off the ground.

"You," he yelled coming over to me and grabbing me by the neck in less than a second. "Because of you I lost me meal."

"I'm sorry," I pleaded once again scared.

"So I'm just going to have, to have you as a meal," he smiled leaning into me neck. "You blood smells sweet, like a ripe strawberry," he smiled kissing my neck.

"Oh god," I cried out as I felt his teeth on my neck. "Just do it quick," I cosed my eyes to wait for the pain but it never came.

"Go home," he yelled pushing me against a tree.

"What?" I cried.

"You smell of another vampire. Get out of here before I do something we will both regret."

This time he yelled it with so much anger that I didn't think twice before I started running away. I ran through the forest as fast as I could and hoped I was going the right way. He could have quickly changed his mind and caught up with me but didn't. I already hate this fucking town.

"Dad," I cried out as I ran into the house.

"What going on," Edward sighed coming down the stairs.

"I saw a...I saw a... bear in the forest. I was scared it was following me," I lied.

"It's ok," he hugged me for comfort. "A bear is not going to come in here," he smiled.

"Ok," I sniffed up the rest of my tears before going up to my room to sleep.

My dreams were haunted with the face of this vampires, thus making my dreams nightmares. He could have killed me or at least could have feed off of me. He seemed so into it for a second but that he yelled for me to leave. Why? Was I not good enough for him. Sure I didn't want to be a vampire, but for some reason I felt rejected.

"I"m leaving," I yelled before walking out of the house and getting into my new car.

I got a new car for school but I'm not the most skilled driver so it made me a little nervous to drive in a whole new place. Why the hell would they move me three months before I graduate was beyond me. The new school is learning the same topics that me old school would be so I'm picking up right where I left off. That's lucky because sometimes they hold people back if the change schools too close to the end of the year. No way i was going through another year of this hell.

I pulled up to the school and parked in the closest parking spot. As I walked up to the school, all of the eyes were on me. How is it that even in big schools everyone notices the new kid.I might as well be wearing a sign that says new kid. I didn't know anyone and honestly I just wanted to get through the rest of the time here without anyone bothering me.

"Hi," a girl smiled as she sat next to me in my third hour.

(Looks like I thought too soon)

"Hi," I grumbled back hoping she would go away.

"Your new right?"


"Name?" she said as if she was a cop interrogating me.


"What is your name," she giggled.


"I'm Nina," she smiled.

"You know why i didn't ask your name?"


"Because I don't care," I scoffed only to she her look a hurt. "Sorry, I'm not really a people person."

"It's ok,"she smiled," we can work on it."

"Oh fuck," I sighed as I saw the man who haunted my dreams walk into the classroom just as the bell rang.