Who Will

Who Will 5

"Oh," Nina smiled seeing who I was looking at. "That's Phoenix. Everyone thinks hes a freak."

"Yeah, I can see why," I mumbled looking at him as he walked past. He wore black skinny jeans, ankle boots, a button up shirt with the first few unbuttoned so you could see his chest, and some necklaces.

"Quit staring," he growled in a stern voice before he flopped down in the seat all the way in the back of the room.

"Do you know him," Nina pried.

"sadly, yes."

"So how do you like it here," she smiled.

"It's fine."

"Are you always so cold with people?"

"No, its a new thing I'm trying out," I said sarcastically.

"Well it's not working," she replied just as the teacher walked in.

When is it ok for a teacher to be late for class? If this teachers going to be late then I will take my time coming to class too. Maybe this Nina girl had a point, I pondered. She may be full of energy and craziness but she seemed nice enough. I guess it would be ok to let her in, at least till schools done with.

"I'm sorry for being cold," I mumbled to her as the bell rang.

"It's ok, but you might want to watch your back."

"Are you threatening me?" I asked shocked.

"No," she smiled, "but Phoenix was giving you a not so nice look all period."

"Well hes an ass," I smiled causing her to giggle. "Do you have lunch right now?"

"Ya, come on you can sit with me and my friends."

"Great," I sighed.

I wish I had know 'her and her friends' meant her and a bunch or girls just as annoying as her. I could deal with her, she wasn't bad, but anymore than that and I was suicidal. I seemed to have caught myself wishing I had known Phoenix had the same lunch. If I had know, I would not have came. I glanced at him as he gave me a mean look. If he didn't like me so much they why does he continue to stare. It's not as if I want him looking at me all day.

"Whats your problem," I yelled as I pushed Phoenix against a locker after school. This was probably a bad decision but it has already been done.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't act dumb. I don't know what your problem is with me but I don't appreciate being hated for no reason."

"You hate me for no reason," he smiled showing his fangs.

"I don't hate you, I don't even know you" I argued as I backed away from him.

"Good, because I don't hate you either," he said before walking away.

"Then whats with the looks," I asked following him out of the school.

"You can't control how I look at you."

"Well you can ," I yelled grabbing his arm. "So stop with the dirty looks."

"How would you like me to look at you," he smiled pushing me against a car. "With love?" he asked before kissing me.

"Get off my car, you queers," some guy yelled but Phoenix didn't move or remove his lips from mine.

"He said to move, Phoenix," I said pulling my lips away and trying to push him off.

"You know my name?" he smiled.

"Hey fairies, I said move," the guy yelled as he came up right next to us. "Don't make me pound your face in."

"Ha," Phoenix laughed. "You really think you can touch me," he asked looking at the guy.

"Ok, man just, just get off my car," the guy stuttered.

"Lets go," Phoenix said grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"What did you just do?"


"No," I yelled pulling my hand away. "I'm not stupid. You did something and I want to know what it was."

"I can change peoples emotions."

"So can jasp... other vampires."

"Yes but I do it by putting false images in their heads."

"What do you mean false images?"

"I put the image in his head of me tearing him apart but really I'm not that strong. If I wasn't so fast then he could beat me up."

"Wow," I sighed, "that's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, well I'm a vampire. Were pretty cool in general."

"You haven't met my dads," I mumbled.

"What?" he turned around to look at me quickly.

"Nothing," I said trying to sound innocent. "I have to go," I said really fast and pecked him on the lips before realizing what i was doing. "I didn't mean to um..uh."

"I didn't mind," he smiled giving he another kiss before walking away.