Who Will

Who Will 6

"Bye guys," I smiled hugging Jacob and Edward before leaving for school.

I suddenly found myself having an interest in going to school. The drive to school was short enough and once I got there Nina was sitting outside with all of her popular friends. I didn't want to bother her so I decided to just sneak past her.

"Ta'avi" she smiled spotting me.

"Hey," I smiled as she came over and we walked into the school together. Nina had become my close friend in a short time.

"So...week two of being here."

"Your counting?" I chuckled.

"No," she giggled, "But you started here last Monday and its Monday today, that makes a week."

"Ohhh yeah. A week is 7 days," I sighed sarcastically. "I thought it was 10."

"No, you silly," she giggled hitting my shoulder. "Your boyfriend is coming," she whispered in my ear as Phoenix walked at us. I had told her i was gay within the first few days of are friendship so now she is convinced the Phoenix and I are having a secret relationship.

"He's not my boyfriend," I mumbled,

"Well he sure likes hitting on you and getting all close to you," she smiled at me. "And don't think I don't see the way you look at him, you want him."

"Want who?" Phoenix asked as he butted into are conversation.

"Uhhh... my ex boyfriend, " I said with out thinking. Why the hell would I bring that ass hole up. He's not even worth the breath I just waisted.

"Ohh," he smiled getting closer to me. "Your EX boyfriend," he smiled but the smiled faded just as quick as it came. "Who were you with today."

"Just Nina why?" I asked a little freaked out by him sniffing me.

"Nina can I talk to him in private," he fake smiled at her.

"Sure but don't be late for class, "she nagged.

"Come on," phoenix demanded as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the school.

"Where do you think your taking me?" I asked when we got to his car.

"Who were you with," he yelled angry as he pushed me against his.

"Only Nina," I repeated myself a bit frightened.

"Don't lie to me," he yelled slamming his fist on the side of the car.

"I'm not," I yelled back with tears in my eyes.

"Get in the car," he demanded and I was too afraid to argue with him.

I got in the car and put my seat bet on as I waited for him to get in. I watched him as he tried to clam himself down before getting in. It must not have worked too well though because he slammed his car door closed, put his seat belt on, and began speeding down the street. I was getting more and more scared as he drove until he stopped at a lake. I didn't know why he was so mad, I wasn't lying to him. We just sat in the car, silent, awkward.He was frozen with anger and I with fear.

"Say something," I pleaded after five minutes of silence.

"Were you with your ex."

"No, he lives back in my hometown."

"Is he a vampire?"

"No, hes human. Why are you..."

"Why do you keep lying to me," he yelled hitting his steering wheel.

"I'm not," I cried actually fearing he might do something crazy.

"I can smell it on you."

"Smell what?"

"A vampire and perhaps a werewolf. I always though maybe i smelled something on you but today it was strong."

"Ohh," I sighed sniffing up the rest of my tears. "That's my dads," I said without thinking. "Fuck," I swore to myself. I didn't want to give to much away about my home life to anyone, not even him.

"But your not a vampire or werewolf."

"I'm adopted," I said again without a though. "Fuck, I did it again."

"Did what?" Ha asked looking concerned.

"I keep telling you these things, things I have never told anyone. My ex only knew I was adopted. He met my dads once but I was too scared he would notice something was up."

"I like that you tell me things," Phoenix smiled, finally calm. "Come on," he smiled getting out of the car.

"Ok," I sighed getting out and following him over to the lake. We sat at the edge of the lake in silence once again. This silence wasn't awkward though, just quiet. I hugged my knees to my chest and and just watched the water as it rippled with the wind.


"Ya," I smiled turning my head to look at Phoenix.

"Why were you crying?"

"Because you were mad at me, you were yelling like a crazy person."

"Oh," he sighed looking sorry.

"I didn't know if you would kill me or not," I sighed, not wanting to admit it.


"Your a vampire, I'm a human. If you want to attack me you can, easy."

"I would never kill you," he smiled at me.


"Ta'avi, I like you. I'm actually happy around you. Why would I kill someone who gives me happiness."

"How can you say I make you happy when you were just mad at me?"

"I wasn't mad at you, I was just worried you were getting close to another vampire."

"were you jealous," I smiled.

"I just didn't want you around another vampire."

"Why would that matter?"

"Because they cant be trusted. Never trust a vampire apart from your father," He said getting serious again.

"That's impossible," I argued.

"Why," he yelled.

"Because I want to trust you," I smiled giving him a peck on the cheek.
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Yay, this story and "I Was Born To Hate You...", got reported :D. No, but really I guess my stories are full of grammar and spelling problems. I will honestly admit i am the worst speller in the world so i run spell check on every story. As for grammar, I wasn't aware it was that bad. Sorry.