Who Will

Who Will 7

"Hello?" I mumbled into my phone, still half asleep.

"Hey Ta'avi," I herd an unusually cheerful voice from the other end.

"Phoenix," I smiled waking up.

"Are you free yet?"

"Yes, I am officially not grounded anymore."

"Sorry about you skipping school with me.

"It's ok, I had fun."

"So it was worth it?"

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Well... its Saturday so I was hoping we could hang out."

"Ya sure, but I have to hang out with Nina tonight."

"What are you two doing?"

"Going to the movies."

"To see..."

"Probably something stupid," I sighed.

"Then why waist your money," he chuckled.

"Because she is my friend so I will still have a good time."

"Ok, well then we should hang out soon."

"Then I'm going to get ready," I smiled hanging up my phone and doing a little happy dance.

"Jake," I yelled sweetly as I ran down the stairs.

"What?" he sighed, knowing I wanted something.

"Can I go hang out with Phoenix?"


"Yeah," I smiled.

"Sorry, not going to happen."

"Why not," I whined.

"Because hes not a good kid. He is the reason you skipped school," he reminded me.

"He didn't do anything wrong dad."

"Well I don't care. YOU are NOT going."

"Ugggh," I yelled stomping up the steps.

"Whats wrong," Edward asked coming out of his room.

"Daddy?" I pouted trying to sound innocent as I flopped onto his bed.

"Yes, Ta'avi?"

"May I go hang out with Phoenix, please?"

"Did you already ask Jake?"

"Ya but he said no."

"Oh really. Why would he do that?" he said in a tone that sounded as if he was teasing me.

"Because he's the one I skipped school with but I promise we wont cause trouble."

"You can go with him BUT you better be good."

"Thanks dad," I smiled hugging him before running into my room to get ready.

Edward was always easier on me than Jake. I should have just asked him first. I got into the shower as fast as I could with excitement running through me.I couldn't wait to hang out with Phoenix. When it comes to Phoenix, I'm really happy when I'm around him. It must be because we are such close friends right? We seemed to get along really well since i told him about my dads. He still doesn't know about the rest of my family though.

I kept telling myself that I only wanted to see him because we were friends. I convinced myself that was true until I saw Phoenix sitting in his car, in my driveway. Fuck, he looks hot. I don't usually find my hot.

"Hey," Phoenix smiled when I got into the car.

"H-hey," I stuttered.

"Whats wrong," he smiled, noticing I was nervous.

"Nothing," I smiled as he pulled out of my driveway.

"So how has your day been?" Phoenix tried but he was horrible at small talk.

"Honestly I just got up when you called me and hour ago."

"Really," he chuckled.

"Ya, how has yours been."

"Pretty good. I was excited to hang out with you."

"Really?" I asked surprised and happy.

"Yeah," he chuckled.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"I was thinking we could go back to the lake?"

"Ok," I smiled as we drove there.

"Were here," he smiled once he parked the car.

"Why are their no people here?" I asked looking around.

"Not many people come here. I usually come here by myself to think about stuff but now that you have been here it's like I can't think when your gone." he smiled as he waked over to the lake.

"Why do you say such nice things?"

"I only say the truth," he smiled sitting down. "So your dads must not hate me for making you skip school?"

"No, one of them hates you," I smiled seeing him look worried. "I'm only kidding, he just thinks your a trouble maker."

"Is it weird that one is a vampire and the other is a werewolf?"

"Not really. They feel just like normal parents."

"Does your werewolf dad get old?"

"No, my dad bit him so that he will stay young too."

"And is he going to bite you?"

"No," I sighed, "I have chosen to be human."


"But lately I have been wondering if that's what I really want."

"Why do you live in such a big house if its only you and your dads?"

"It's me and all of my dad's vampire family."

"What are their names?"

"Why are you so interested in my life," I asked a bit annoyed by the interrogation.

"Because I'm interested in you," he smiled.

"Well its my turn to ask questions," I smiled and he nodded for me to start. "Do you live with your parents."

"No I ran away from my dad and moved here."

"So you live alone?"

"Yes," he smiled.

"Do you want to suck my blood?" I asked blunt.

"Yes," he smiled.

"Will you?" I asked nervous as to what he would answer.

"Not if you don't want me to."

"Do you feed off of humans?"

"I use to," he sighed, "that's why I left home. My dad still thinks its ok to kill humans to live, I don't."

"Who is your dad?"


"What does he do?" I asked but saw him freeze up.

"I think we have asked enough questions." he sighed nervously as he got up.

"Whats wrong?" I asked grabbing his hand.

"My dad is a bad man."

"He cant be that bad," I smiled.

"Promise me you wont freak out."

"I promise."

"My father is the leader of the volturi."