Who Will

Who Will 8

Seeing how finding out who Phoenix's dad is sort of killed the mood, we cut hanging out short and he took me home. I kept my promise and didn't freak out on him but I think he though I was bothered by it. We actually went the rest of that month not talking. I knew that my family didn't get along with the volturi but that was their problem, why did it have to effect us. Phoenix isn't like his dad, he is caring and nice and...

"A fucking vampire," I yelled at myself as I walked into the house.

"Who," Alice asked prancing over to me.

"No one," I tried to brush her off.

"Liar," Rosile butted in as she walked into the room.

"No one, just drop it guys," I demanded.

"Drop what?" Emmett asked walking into the room too.

"Oh great, join the party," I sighed throwing me hands up a I flopped onto the sofa.

"Whats his deal?" Rosile asked Alice.

"Something about a vampire," she informed her.

"A vampire," Rosile and Emmett questioned at the same time.

"Ok," I yelled getting up. "Yes, I know a vampire that's not in this family, how could I trust him. Yes, we have hung out alone, no he doesn't kill humans anymore..."

"Anymore," Esme cut me off walking into the room.

"I know I should have told you," I sighed, "but that doesn't matter anymore anyway."

"Why not," Alice asked hugging me.

"Because anything we could have had is not ruined because his dad is the most fucked vampire alive."

"Technically hes not alive," Emmett attempted at a joke.

"I know," I yelled. "None of you are. I am the only one in this house with a natural pulse," I yelled before I ran up to my room.

knock knock

"Leave me alone," I yelled into my pillow.

"Hey," Carlise smiled. "Jake and Edward are at the store."

"Good for them," I mumbled.

"What's going on with you?" he asked sitting at the end of my bed.


"Nothing wouldn't have caused you to speak such harsh words to your family."

"You wouldn't understand," I sighed and got up to walk out of my room.

"Stop," he demanded as he grabbed my arm and sat me down next to him. "My vampire son, fell in love with a werewolf, male at that. I think I can handle whatever you have going on."

"Yeah," I chuckled thinking about what it must have been like for him with Edward. "I didn't think I wanted to be a vampire but then I met someone who was starting to change my mind."


"Now I ruined that. Even though I lost that vampire I still don't know that being human is whats best for me."

"I see," Carlise said pondering the situation. "And what happened between you and Phoenix, this is the vampire you like right?"

"Liked,"I corrected him, "we cant be together."

"Why not?"

"His dad is Aro."

"Oh, well that is trick. I don't think he will show up to the wedding much less send an engagement gift," Carlise joked.

"Stop it," I laughed. "Are family doesn't get along with the volturi so I cant be with him right?"

"You know the one thing I loved about your fathers?"


"Even though they were not suppose to get along they saw past it and fell in love. They didn't let a feud get in the way. "

"Yeah," I smiled at the thought of how romantic it sounded.

"So you need to decide if you love him enough to not care about the feud between are families. Or do you care so little for him that you will give it up so easy."

"Looks like I have some thinking to do," I sighed.

"Choose whatever feels right. Don't pick what you think I want or your parents want. Do what you what," he smiled as he hugged me.

"Thanks," I called as he walked out of the room. "Ok," I sighed taking a deep breath. "I just need to decide if I can live without him. Can I go on without his horrible attitude, his freezing skin, his stupid father. Can I go on with out his cute smiled, the way he treats me like I'm perfect, how I can talk to him about anything, or his rock hard..."

"Umm phone," Jasper said handing me my cell phone with a smile on his face.

"I was going to say body, you sicko."

"Mmhm," he chuckled before he walked out of my room.


"Hey," Nina said in her peppy voice.

"Nina, I'm trying to make a life decision right now can I call you back."

"Nooo no, no, no. You said you would come to the movies with me so you and your life need to be outside your house in and hour."

"Didn't we just go to the movies?"

"That was last month. New movies are in so get ready."

"Fine," I agreed hanging up the phone. I pondered on Phoenix a little longer before I got ready to go with Nina. She arrived and honked her horn like a crazy person just as I got my shoes on.

"So what are we seeing?" I asked as we walked onto the theater.

"Two for the last song," she ordered.

"Noooo," I pleaded. "Anything but that stupid whore Hannah Montana."

"Her real name is Miley Cryus, and you said we would see whatever I wanted."

"I take it back."

"To late," she smiled taking the tickets and pulling me into the theater.This was going to be hell.

"How long have we been in here?" I asked Nina.

"Like an hour. Be quiet I cant hear," she hushed me.

"Ugh," I sighed and pulled out my phone.This was like pure torture for me. Not only was it a chick flick but Miley Cryus is my biggest enemy. I decide to look though my pictures on my cell to distract myself from the movie.Most of the pictures were of me with Nina or my family but I came across One of phoenix on the day we skipped school. He was smiling and I could see his teeth sticking out a bit. Just looking at this picture I knew what I wanted, my mind was made up.