First Impressions

stains make good friends

“Hayley don’t cry please” my mother said trying to convince me my first day of school that would be tomorrow wouldn’t be as bad as I thought.

“Mom I don’t want to go, I want to go back to my old school and just finish my senior year with all my friends” I said still begging for us to move back to New Jersey, though I knew it would never happen.

“It’s only one year honey, then you can go anywhere as far as you want from Chicago, okay?” I nodded still knowing this is going to be one long school year.

I got up from crying my eyes out and put my leotard and tights on. I put my almond elbow length hair up in a bun as usual and took a look in the mirror of my tan fading away from the summer. The one summer where I was stuck in the house unpacking a load of crap, hearing and seeing kids from out side enjoying being with there friends. When I was mostly in the basement just dancing away into my memories of New Jersey. I’ve been a ballet dancer since I was 5 years old but stopped at the age of 15 and got back on my feet by 16 ½ and now I’m 17 years old. Now I’m definitely sure on planning on being one as my career. Today is my first day at my new dance studio and was a nervous wreck. In the beginning of the summer when I moved to Chicago, I tried out for the studio and got in. They told me it was a new program and most likely no one would know each other also. This made me feel a whole lot better.

I got into my car and drove off to the studio. I could feel my hands getting sweatier and sweatier on the wheel by the minute. I made a left turn to the only place I knew would relax me, STARBUCKS. I ordered my usual and hurried to my car driving off with the coffee still in my hand. Remind me again driving with coffee is not a good thing. It spilled all over my leotard and I looked like a filthy mess.
By the time I got to the studio, I hurried my way to the bathroom and wet a piece of napkin to get the stain out. I heard a flush from one of the stalls and saw a girl around 5’5 with brown hair and light tan skin walk out and saw her eyes go straight to my stain.

“Do you want to borrow one of my leotards, I got a billion in my car”

“Yeah that would be so great, thanks” We walked outside by her car and got a leotard from her trunk.

“Thanks again I owe you big. I’m Hayley Carter by the way”

“No problem I’m Christie Wentz”

After that we went straight inside and did warm ups on the bar. Went across the room on routines and quick phrases, Later on after 3 hours of dancing it was time for our 20 minute break.I went to go get my bag from the floor and saw Christie walking over to me.

"Hey your really good, how long have you been dancing?"

"Thanks so were you, around 12 years you?"

"About the same also, hey are you starting school tomo at New Trier High School?"

"Omg yes, please tell me you go there to?"

"Yah I do im a senior there you?"

"Same here, im new i just moved from NJ"

"Oh no wonder, I don't really remember seeing you before"

"Yeah I just moved here this summer"

"Cool, so do you want to hang out after class is over, I can tell you how things run in school and people to stay away from" We both laughed at the comment she made. I was so glad to finally be making a friend after a long boring summer.

"Definitively, sounds fun"

With that we both left off to finish the 2 hours we had left of dance. I got my things ready with Christie and we made our way to our cars.

"So just follow my car and we'll be at my house in like around 15 minutes. And by the way when we get to my house you might here some loud music, don't worry its just my twin brother and his band, and no were not identical were fraternal " I nodded to what she said and started my car.

We got to her house which was rather big and stepped in nervous slash happy.
"So lets go grab a year book huh?"
"Yes I've been dying to see how these people look like"

After Christie explaining to me who people were specifically and reputations, we talked and were seriously more identical than her brother and her. It felt just like in preschool how you meet someone and 5 minutes later you already act like you've been best friends your whole life. It had been a really hot September day surprisingly and we agreed to go in her pool. She gave me a pink frilly bikini and we both changed. seconds later we put on the spice girls on and started dancing around like there was no tomorrow.

"hey Christie can you lower th-" her brother said marching in and starring directly at me.

"Lower what?" Christie asked obviously mad

"Um never mind just keep doing wh-" he said still starring and obviously stuttering for some reason.

"Keep doing what?!? UGH pete just get out" Christie said closing the door on his face.

"Who was that?" I asked

"My twin brother and he was so checking you out"

"He was, i didn't notice" i said obviously knowing but i didn't want to make it a big deal, plus he was pretty cute.

"Well he was, just watch out for him hes a bit of a player"

"Oh okay well lets go to the pool." i said still thinking about her last comment about him.
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sorry for all the ballet lingo
there wont be so much later on.
hope you like it