First Impressions

come back

We pulled away from the hug and he still looked worried.

"What’s wrong?" I asked.

"You fainted for no reason?" he asked.

"No...Pete there was a reason, but I’m not sure I’m ready to tell you yet." he climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"You can tell me anything. Don’t you trust me? "

"But Pete it has to do with my past and I really don't want you to feel threatened."

"It's that bad," he half said half laughed. I just nodded. "Try me,"

“Well when we were down the street from the restaurant, remember when I turned the radio on” he nodded

“I heard Gabe on the radio…I guess his band got really successful and they were at the radio station, talking about there new song…which is about me.”

“Well how would you know it was exactly about you?” he asked hoping it wasn’t.

“Because…because it’s called Angie” I said as quickly as I could so he couldn’t catch what I said.

“What would that have to do with you?” he asked very confused

“Well Pete.. remember when I told you what happened with New Jersey.... well before I came to Chicago I changed my name to Hayley, it’s really Angelica and Gabe would always call me Angie” I said nervously for what he would say next. All Pete’s face read was shock nothing more, nothing less.

“Pete... I’m really sorry I never to-”

“It’s ok, Hayley I can never blame you for what ever you’ve done because your past with Gabe. It was a horrible part of your life and I’ll never hold that against you” a tear came from the corner of my eye, I’ve never been in such a wonderful positive relationship in my life.

“What’s wrong Hayley?” my tears started over flowing and started coming out like a water fall. I dug my face into Pete’s chest and held him as tight as I could

“I don’t know what I would do with out you. You make me so happy.” I could hear him smile. Pete soon lifted my face off of his chest and made me face his. He soon crashed his lips onto mine, and by seconds the kiss kept getting deeper and deeper. He soon was on top of me and had taken off his shirt. Soon enough he ripped of my white scrub top and started kissing down my neck. We always got this far and then stopped. Pete always knew when I wasn’t ready and today I was.

“Pete...” he then sighed

“I thought you were ready this time?”

“I am, but look where we are. My family is still outside waiting to come in. I don’t exactly want to do it in a hospital with my parents nearby.” He then had a sad puppy dog face.

“I understand.” He said putting his shirts back on

“Hey who said we still can after this?” I saw a bright grin immediately come to his face

“Do you want me to bring them back in” I nodded and he went and opened the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
i finally got my
computer back!
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