First Impressions

Just in case

Christie and I made our way down the stairs when we were stopped by Pete and 3 other guys. I saw Pete make a face then heard Christie sigh.

“Hayley this is my brother Pete and his friends Joe, Patrick, and Andy.” She said sounding like she wanted to die.

“Hey guys” I smiled and waved. I could feel my face getting red already by having so many eyes on me. Christie got the point that I was giving her.

“Come on Hayley last one in the pool is a rotten egg.” We both ran racing for our lives acting so immature just the way we liked it. We cannon balled into the pool and came floating up laughing hysterically. A few second later we heard 4 other canon balls and I instantly saw Christie’s face fall just like it did last time.

“Hey guys can we join?” I heard Pete say with a smile. I couldn’t help but smile lightly back at him. I looked at Christie for an answer and she nodded her heard.

“Sure” I said looking at the 4 of them especially Pete.

We all headed into the Jacuzzi and put a million bubbles in it.

“So Hayley are you new in town?” Asked Pete

“Yah, I just moved here From New Jersey”

“Not to be rude but what brought you here?” asked Patrick a little scared
“Oh no its fine” I said obviously lying. My mind went straight to Gabe from NJ. The one who screwed me over, but brought back so many pleasant memories.

“Um both of my parents found better jobs here, so we came here right in Wilmette.” Which was half true.

“Interesting, so how did you and my sister meet?” asked Pete moving a little closer every time he asked me a question.

“Were both in the same dance class and I stained my leotard with Starbucks. Starbucks coffee is my morning ritual everyday. So Christie let me borrow one of her leotards.” I said smiling at Christie.

“That makes to of us, trust me you do not want to see me with out my Starbucks.” Pete said laughing

“Trust him when he says that” Christie whispered into my ear and I nodded along.

Pete had gotten out of the Jacuzzi to sit out for a second since his phone was ringing. He came back in and I realized a tattoo on him.

“Hey I like your tattoo on your stomach, what is it?

“Oh it’s just my sign, I like to use it when I design a couple of shirts randomly”

“Nice, I regret mine so much. I’m probably thinking of removing it” ugh I could have sworn at myself, I just brought up a whole conversation that wasn’t really needed.

“Why what is it?” everyone asked in unison curiously

“It’s the name of my ex boyfriends band on my lower stomach also.” I stood up and they all read Cobra out loud. “It’s actually Cobra starship but I decided to just get cobra”

I sat back down in the Jacuzzi and could feel the pruning on my body everywhere.

“Hey guys I’m getting out its getting really hot in there”

“I’m getting out too” Pete said immediately

I looked back at him and saw him wink. I felt a light blush come on my cheeks when I went to lie down on the chair to tan for a little while. I was applying sun block on my body when I couldn’t get a part on my back.

“Need some help?” Pete said

I looked back at Christie who was laughing and smiling with the rest of the guys in the Jacuzzi. What the heck one little sun block apply from Pete wouldn’t harm her.

“Yeah please” I answered with a smile

I put my hair up in a pony tale so it wouldn’t get in the way. I got shivers down my back when he placed his warming hands on the shoulders

“Holy crap you got double the knots than my sister has in her back “

“Yah I know and they hurt sometimes but I’m mostly used to it now” Just like now, they were hurting tremendously.

“Do you want me to give you a massage?” I knew what the right answer would be but I was so tempted my back was calling for his hands like crazy.

“Yeah but just a quick one please” Instantly he starting working his hands, I’m not going to lie he knows what he was doing pretty well. Surprisingly I let out a loud moan which made Pete stop for a second.

“Haha am I doing that great of a job?” I turned around lying on my back with him still over my body

“Well that was one of the best massages I’ve ever gotten before” We both starred each other in the eyes, until I heard someone clear there throat behind us. We both looked up to see Christie with her arms crossed and everybody behind her.

“Oh sorry” Pete said getting up quickly and helping me up also.

“Come on Hayley lets go to my room” I nodded and followed her back into the house into her room. I quickly looked back at Pete who had still been looking at me. By the time we got into her room I knew she would ask questions already.

“What were you guys doing, he was like totally on top of you” she said more concerned than mad.

“He was just giving me a massage because my knots from dance.” Christie just nodded and we went back to talking as usual. We said our goodbyes and agreed to meet each other at Starbucks before school started tomorrow. I left her room and made my way down the stairs outside the door. I found Pete on the steps with a notebook and pen.

“Hey what are you doing?”

“Just writing some stuff down?”

“Cool what kind of stuff?”
“Mostly lyrics for songs”

“Oh sorry for asking I know how personal that can get”

“No its ok there just rough drafts here take a look” I took a look at the lyrics which were surprisingly really good. I skipped through lines and read the one that only stood out.

“Cause you're just the girl all the boys want to dance with and I'm just the boy who's had too many chances, You can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights get all the sighs and the moans just right, I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late.” Every time I kept saying a line I felt our faces getting closer and closer. I broke the “almost” kiss by my phone alarm that went off.

“Well I go to go but I’ll definitely see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Definitely, bye” he said smiling happier and happier each time we talked. As I started walking away to my car I felt something go down my back pocket of my shorts.

“What’s this?”

“Just in case” I looked down and the ripped piece of paper with his number written down on it.
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sorry if there was any grammar or spelling mistakes
i was writing this as fast as i could.